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  • What’s your most valuable lesson from a Product Hunt launch?

    Abdul Rehman
    13 replies


    Rahul Parmar
    Focus on community engagement by building genuine relationships with users and responding to feedback. This can turn your launch into a lasting success.
    Launching soon!
    @rahulparmar2405 Building genuine relationships and actively engaging with the community is crucial. The most valuable lesson from a Product Hunt launch has been listening to user feedback and adapting quickly. The community’s insights offer fantastic opportunities for learning and growing!
    Anthony Harris
    Two big lessons for me: 1) Get your messaging and positioning nailed down - the PH community will give quick, honest feedback if it's not resonating. 2) Engage like crazy in the comments! Respond to every question, piece of feedback, and mention. The algorithm rewards engagement and it builds great connections with early users and fans of your product.
    Launching soon!
    @harrisi253 The most valuable lesson for me was realizing how essential it is to listen to user feedback and adapt quickly and actively. Engaging with the community helps refine the product and builds lasting relationships with early adopters.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    Always engage with the community early and genuinely, building relationships beforehand makes all the difference on launch day.
    Launching soon!
    @hamza_afzal_butt Agree! Building those early connections sets the stage for a successful launch.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    There are things that are not in your control and stressing about it wouldn't do anything :)
    Launching soon!
    @vaibhavdwivedi It's essential to focus on what we can control and let go of the rest. I learned from my Product Hunt launch that staying adaptable and focusing on clear communication can make a huge difference. It's all about navigating the journey with a positive mindset!
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    @abod_rehman That's a good insight right there, Abdul. Thank you for sharing it with me :)
    Nifal Adam
    The most valuable lesson is to listen to feedback. Product Hunt is a great place to hear what people really think about your product.
    Launching soon!
    @nifal_adam2 Listening to feedback is crucial for improvement.
    James Smith
    One of the most valuable lessons from a Product Hunt launch is that genuine value creation trumps everything else. Rather than focusing on rapid, superficial development just to get a product out there, it's crucial to invest time and effort into creating something truly useful and meaningful for users. When you have a product that genuinely solves a problem or fulfills a need, it resonates more with the audience. Moreover, instead of merely asking for upvotes or trying to game the system, sharing your product with authenticity and passion is key. When you genuinely believe in the value your product brings, it shows in how you introduce and communicate it to others. This authenticity not only helps in building trust but also fosters a stronger connection with the community. Ultimately, the market will recognize and appreciate good products. While the initial launch on Product Hunt can give you a boost, the long-term success of your product depends on its quality and the real value it provides to users.
    Linam Nguyen
    Big lessons to me: The product itself and the way I prepare for launching. Totally an amateur