What's your pain point when looking for a remote job?

Muhammad Haseeb
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I created a website to make remote job hunting easy for people. Actively working on it to add more jobs and features to make remote jobs hunt easier. Now I'm stagnant in terms of adding more features, could you share a few to help me to create more value for remote job seekers (I'd be happy to list you as an idea contributor on the page)? Here are a few FAQs: Why http://findmyremotejobs.com? In my remote job search, I found these issues: 1. Dead links 2. Job board asks you to apply on their platform I wanted a solution that can land me on apply page of my desired job so I built one. What's different about this website? The platform ensures you only see active jobs and land you on to apply page of a job in less than a minute for your desired job. Progress so far: 1. Job board created with skills-based pages 2. Search functionality added 3. Only pulls active remote jobs 4. Nuke inactive remote jobs on a daily basis 5. Receive jobs in email for desired skills 6. Remote tools page
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