What social media do you use for your business?

Olena Bomko
24 replies
- I have been using LinkedIn for 3 years. - This year, I started using Twitter. - And now I started being active here. I feel that I can't/don't want to handle more. And you? Share your links. Let's connect :) My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olen... My Twitter: https://twitter.com/olenabomko


Tanvi Mehta
Testing the waters with engaging on LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Tiktok
Tanvi Mehta
@olenabomko I know , still trying to figure out which is the best one for my app Glowy that enables users to browse and track their skincare routines.
Roman Gordy
In a number of my B2B (!) products there was a surprisingly effective growth in TikTok (!!)
Roman Gordy
@olenabomko Pinterest was a surprise for me, indeed. For b2b!
Roman Gordy
@olenabomko Telling a visual story for a b2b brand can attract HRDs :)
Jake Harrison
I use Twitter and TikTok, I want to build my LinkedIn, but I care about the privacy problem for that, still under consideration.
Jennifer Laura
Instagram is a visual social media platform with over 2 billion active users. It is a great platform for businesses to showcase their products and services, and to connect with customers on an emotional level.
LinkedIn is my secret weapon 🔫
Daniel Zaitzow
Happy to connect as well! https://www.linkedin.com/in/dani...
Right now, I’m only on Twitter. But I’m thinking of give LinkedIn and TikTok a shot in the future. Let's connect on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BonVisions
I would choose to use Twitter. As a startup, Twitter offers the best overall reach without advertising. It provides a decent level of exposure. Facebook, on the other hand, has relatively average reach. TikTok, due to the need for short videos, would increase production costs. Therefore, I prefer Twitter. My Twitter:https://twitter.com/ArtKeycool
Relja Denic
Linkedin only for now, but thinking of doing tiktok also, hearing it can be good for b2b also
Olena Bomko
@relja_denic I saw your posts on LinkedIn. Very Cool! Why did you stop posting? Burnout? Not happy with the results?
Tristan Berguer
Linkedin + Twitter, wby?
Salar Davari
Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. I don't want to miss a single customer because of my own negligence.
Neha Khan
I am using all platforms but I believe we should explore new platforms as well, apart from that meta is just giving me most business