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  • What software are you using to build your platform (SAAS)

    Ghost Kitty
    5 replies
    So I'm just curious what platform are you using and are there any other alternatives to this? Like vercel or netlify, and what is better in terms of launching your startup SAAS?


    Arnav Ahuja
    I'm a college student right now so maybe what I'm doing isn't right- take my advice with a grain of salt 😆. But at tutorly, we're using Vercel to host, React and Typescript for the actual code, and GCP for all the infra and storage. Our stack is pretty simple but has been extremely useful.
    Nicole Park
    Launching soon!
    As a Python developer, I used Fly.io for side projects. It's great because I can deploy extremely easily and quickly. However, there are limitations for using it in production environments, and it feels a bit slow, so I use AWS for production.
    Anthony Richard Thompson
    We're using a fairly standard stack for our SaaS: React/TypeScript for the frontend, Node.js/Express for the backend API layer, and AWS for hosting/infrastructure (EC2, RDS, S3, etc). It's not the most cutting-edge but it gets the job done! I'd be curious to hear about more modern approaches others are using, especially around serverless.
    Chloe Annette Miller
    For my SaaS I'm using Next.js and Vercel which has been awesome. React Query for data fetching, tRPC for end-to-end typesafe APIs, and Prisma as my ORM. Supabase on the backend for auth, storage, and serverless functions. It's a pretty slick stack that's worked well for me so far, but always curious what others are using too!