What was the biggest lesson you learned while trying to launch your product?

Matthew Rhoden
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I've been working on my product for about 6 months now, and it's almost ready for prime time. I'm really excited about it! However, I've hit a bit of a roadblock—I don't have an audience yet. But that's okay, it's been a valuable learning experience! One of the biggest lessons I've learned is about messaging. I initially tried to build an audience before launching, but my social media posts weren't getting much engagement, and people who visited my homepage couldn't figure out what my product was for. I realized that my messaging was too generic. As the saying goes, "When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one." So, I went back to the drawing board and identified my Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Now, my homepage is tailored specifically to that profile, even if it means potentially turning away those who don't fit it. This deliberate choice has made the purpose of my site much clearer to visitors. Now, my challenge is figuring out how to build up that audience...
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