What would you consider a seamless giving experience for social good?

Abrar Qureshi
2 replies
First, it's great to be back, posting in this community. After a decade studying fundraising, I see a clear gap: online giving lags, costs are high, and donors/volunteers are overwhelmed. Nonprofits focus on tech, not the people behind the giving. Current platforms leave donors and volunteers with fragmented experiences and decision fatigue. They need a better way to plan and budget their impact on the causes they care about. That's why I'm building Gudsy – a platform focused on simplifying the giving experience for donors and volunteers. Gudsy aims to be the gateway to discovery, connection, community, and continuous support for social impact. My question for this community: What would a truly seamless giving experience look like to you? Let's discuss!


Gurkaran Singh
Hey there! Your insights are spot on, highlighting the need for a more streamlined approach to social good. Gudsy sounds like a promising solution to bridge the gap. A seamless giving experience, in my opinion, would blend effortless donation processes with meaningful connections to the causes, fostering a sense of community and long-term engagement. Looking forward to seeing Gudsy in action!
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