What you working recently?

6 replies
We currently stepping launching our product on PH, working through the weekend xD https://www.producthunt.com/prod...


We are launching https://www.producthunt.com/prod... today! So excited! 😊
We are working on our Launch, which is today 😂 It is hard work! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Iya Mendoza
I've been working on Logomakerr.ai, enhancing its user-friendliness, design options, and customization features. We aim to offer a seamless and creative logo design experience for individuals and businesses. We're also exploring ways to expand our services to a broader audience.
Tyler Scott
Working on one last feature for my mobile app project before launching it. Also working on marketing around the project before it launches.
Andrew Keogh
Im working on one website a month! this months was www.irishpubmap.com