When are your most productive?Morning Person or Night Owl ?

23 replies
Personally, I feel I get more creative and flowing at night after dark. And you ?


Namrata Arya
Definitely a night owl :) The worlds just better when everyone is asleep 🀣
@namrata_arya Agreed ! So do you do focus work at night ?
Namrata Arya
@toni_pm Yes all my best ideas have always come at night :)
I am a night owl type of person who would prefer working till morning!
@vaibhavdwivedi πŸ˜… best of both worlds i guess
Joseph Natoli
LOOFT- A/C Redefined
Hoot Hoot MFer! πŸŒ πŸ¦‰
JD Worcester
@joseph_natoli Same here :) just signed up for your launch!
Julia Zakharova
I'm a supergirl by day! In the evening, I'm a super wife!))))))
@julia_zakharova2 πŸ˜… I try do be superdad until they fall asleep then back to superwork
Hossein Yazdi
I'm an afternoon person (if that counts! πŸ˜…)
Igor Lysenko
I am active in the morning, and at night I want to sleep.
Jagriti Kumar
My brain literally starts thinking with more clarity and motivation after 5pm, it's such a tough thing to manage with a 9-5 lol
@jagriti_kumar I feel you ! been there too
Launching soon!
Early morning does it for me😁
Gurkaran Singh
I'm definitely a night owl when it comes to productivity! It's like my creativity wakes up with the stars. How about you? Are you more of a morning person ready to seize the day?
Julia Engelsmann
I'm a night owl for sure!
@julia_engelsmann Yeaaah ! Team Night Owl πŸ¦‰
same with you, because I feel like I can think better at night
JD Worcester
Where my nightowls at?
@jd_worcester πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ¦‰
Night owl. I get this jolt of energy at night, and I feel a lot more focused too.
@sreenington Same here ! Welcome team owl πŸ¦‰