When do you start?

Aditya Kaushik
4 replies
How do you strategize what is the priority in terms of building vs branding, and how to effectively do it? I feel the most effective way is to do both simultaneously because it takes time to build as well as establish a brand. But what have you tried and how has it worked for you?


Richard Gao
I usually start with what will bring immediate results first, and then the other ones are focused on later.
Aditya Kaushik
@richard_gao2 fair point, is there a metric you use to evaluate what could be important?
Jonayed Tanjim
HarvyAI - Professional Email Assistant
HarvyAI - Professional Email Assistant
IMO for B2C products branding is very much needed to establish trust and brand image. And for B2B building a good product is more important. Both building and branding are important and should be done in parallel, but the type of product determines which is more important and should get more budget.
Aditya Kaushik
@jonayed_tanjim That's quite an interesting insight, with B2C while we build the brand, the product will also play an important part. So an effective plan might be needed. But I agree with what you have said. Really effective way to look at it!