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  • When's the best time for you to post on Twitter to maximize engagement?

    30 replies
    I watched some videos on YouTube about increasing engagement, and the general advice was to experiment with different posting strategies. They also emphasized the importance of consistently posting at least 4-5 times a day and repeating the testing process regularly 🤓 what about you?


    Charlotte Chiang
    4-5 times a day?! Wow, that sounds like a lot 😅 Counter-intuitively, the posts we make on weekends (Saturday morning) have tended to get the most engagement. Could be due to the kind of content we're posting, though.
    Charlotte Chiang
    @joy_eom I wish I had a process! So far, it's clear for us that video content with previews of up-and-coming features perform the best :)
    @charmandro Yeah, it's definitely a bit challenging at first, haha. I'm also curious about what type of content works best for Twitter. Can you share your process for creating content?
    Sergey Bunas
    Replai AI Replies for LinkedIn & Twitter
    Replai AI Replies for LinkedIn & Twitter
    It's all about finding what works best for your audience.One new idea is to analyze your Twitter analytics to determine when your audience is most active and schedule your posts accordingly. This can help maximize engagement and ensure your content is being seen by the right people.
    @serjobas absolutely right that finding what works best for the audience is crucial in creating a successful Twitter strategy. it's not easy but we should. haha Thanks for sharing!
    There's a function called Media Studio on Twitter, and you can get an accurate look at when your followers are most active because the analytics represent time frames followers actually watched the content. This function is only available for accounts with over 1000 followers though (I cry), I need 400 more followers to get access to that feature!
    @mycelebs_elleI had no idea that there was a media studio on Twitter! Haha, looks like I have some catching up to do. Thank you so much for sharing this great insight with me. Also, congratulations again on your launch! :)
    @joy_eom Thanks, Joy. Your support helped a lot!
    Mehdi Rifai
    It depends on where you audience is. I usually post 3 times a day: - morning EST 8am - afternoon EST 4pm - evening EST 9pm
    @mehdi_rifai Thank you for sharing your posting schedule! You're right, it's important to consider where my audience is located and when they are most active on social media. Your posting times seem to cover different time zones and could potentially reach a wider audience. It's also great to see that you're consistent with your posting frequency. Keep up the good work!
    We analyzed when our audience is most active and we post at that time. Through the rest of the day we engage with them through engaging over comments, sharing their posts ect.
    @sandradjajic Thank you for sharing! Setting a specific time of day for engagement is a great idea! I shold try :)
    David Cagigas
    I think tweets are important but more than that it's important to engage with other tweets via comments or share tweets. Unless you are interacting with other tweets there will not be any reciprocation when you tweet.
    @edworking Absolutely! as a beginner on Twitter, I think engaging with other tweets via comments is more important than uploading posts 😂
    Richard Gao
    For some reason it's always 4-5am for me haha Luckily, I'm an early riser
    @richard_gao2 That's great that you've found the best posting times for you! I'm feeling a bit envious haha. But, I'll try to target nighttime haha
    Oleksandr Sendziuk
    Thats interesting. I would definitely try this strategy
    @oleksandr_sendziuk Let's keep up! 🙌
    Oswald Soto
    Tweets are valuable, but I believe that responding to and interacting with other people's tweets is even more so.
    @oswaldsoto_totally agree with that! In my case, I think commenting on other tweets would get more engagement than uploading posts on my Twitter. Interacting with others is the first step, I believe. Thank you!
    Rofy Okyere-Forson
    Personally, I have not done this. I think this might fall under the classic "it depends" umbrella. But as a SaaS marketer is this something that you are hoping to experiment with? Personally, I'd be interested to see what kind of results you see and especially even if the kind of SaaS product would also influence the level of engagement with the set audience. Please share the results on this if you do undertake it. Thanks.
    @rofy That's interesting! As a B2B SaaS marketer, I'm trying to get more engagement from my target audience, such as indie hackers, micro-SaaS founders, and content creators. However, I only recently started Twitter networking, so it will take some time to build a following haha.
    Rofy Okyere-Forson
    @joy_eom Totally makes sense! All the best on that journey though.
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