When you plan your holiday trip and itinerary, what resources do you use?

Do you do everything by hand? have some go-to tool that helps you? Do you use chatgpt to plan the itinerary? Also, I'd love to know how many of you would be interested in knowing more about a product that would let you explore cities and get a real-time narration of your surroundings based on your interests!


Daniel Shaw
Planning my holiday trip involves a mix of tools. I lean on travel blogs for inspiration, use apps to find the best deals, and definitely rely on ChatGPT for personalized recommendations. As for itinerary planning, a tool that combines exploration and real-time narration sounds intriguing! As a travel enthusiast, I'm always up for innovative ways to experience new places. By the way, for hassle-free holidays, check out this link for great car rental options, making your travel adventures even more convenient