Where do you list AI tools?

Milli Sen
9 replies
Here are a few directories I found to list new AI tools. aitools .fyi futuretools .io futurepedia .io findmyaitool .com aitoolsdirectory .com Anything to add?


Wendy Wang
Notta Showcase
Notta Showcase
Recommend aitoolhunt.com and aitrendz.xyz
Amit J.
Hey Milli, thanks for the questions, provides precious info. And thanks to everyone here who shared their directory list.
Asmitha Rathis
MicroLaunch, Devhunt and TheresAnAIForThat are a few other places
Martha Schwarz
Its a good list! thank you
Mehdi Bidgoli
We are developing an exceptional AI Assistant tool that integrates Open AI ChatGPT, Anthropic, Stability, and ElevenLabs into a single platform.
Amit J.
@hoshai Already been done with amazing tools built on those platforms. Looks like you are talking about ChhayaAI.com