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  • Where will the new product find beta testers and gather user feedback?

    Luna Liang
    6 replies
    Our team is building and AI-driven read-it-later product, AI can help us summarize the content of our subscription, we can either read these summaries or listen to them while driving to maximize the efficiency of our time. Our product wants to find some users to test it and get genuine feedback. How do you usually go about doing this?


    Teekaram Yogi
    If you have an existing email list, send out a call for beta testers. Your subscribers might be interested in trying out a new AI tool for summarizing content.
    Kartic L andrew
    I’d start by asking friends and family if they’d be interested in testing out the new product. Sometimes , people close to you can provide valuable insights.
    Clara Roux
    Consider reaching out to online communities or forums related to productivity or tech. People there might be eager to try out new tools.
    Henry Feng
    @roux_clara What communities would you recommend?
    Liora Lyons
    Posting about the beta test on social media can help you reach people who might be interested. Share it on your own profile and in relevant groups or forums.