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  • Which growth channels are (so far) effective for your startup? Let's share:)

    Ha My Tran
    20 replies
    I'm growing an AI SaaS (MindPal), and my main audience is business owners, marketers, and professionals who want to explore integrating AI into their work. So far, YouTube, Facebook Communities, LinkedIn, and ProductHunt have been the most effective for us. I'm still figuring out other channels like X (formerly Twitter), Reddit, Skools, and Newsletters. Would love to hear any tips or ideas you all might have!


    Dalhat Usman
    I’m curious about trying out X and Reddit next. Would love to hear what’s been successful for others.
    Fabian Maume
    Google PPC and SEO are usually the 2 largest channels across all my clients. Another interesting channel for SaaS is comparison websites like Capterra and G2.
    Ha My Tran
    Feel free to visit our channels, hang out with us, and learn more about how we grow our Saas with a team of 5 here: - Website: https://mindpal.space/ - Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@MindPal... - Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/...
    Hester Henry
    I’m still exploring other channels like X and Reddit. Any suggestions?
    Chaity Okpalanozie
    Hi there! So far, YouTube and Facebook Communities have been my go-to growth channels.
    Salar Davari
    For me, Google adds and Product Hunt.
    Ha My Tran
    @salar__davari wow. how much percentage of monthly revenue do you spend on google ads? Do you have any tips to maximize the effects from ProductHunt?
    Leland Kuphal
    For me AI tool, YouTube tutorials have been a major growth channel. people seeing love AI in action, and the videos generate a lot of organic traffic over time.
    Shania Jennings
    Reddit can be tricky, but once you get the hang of it, it’s powerful. Focus on providing real value and not just promoting your product Engage in meaningful discussions!
    Ha My Tran
    @shania_jennings what have been the real impacts of reddit that you see? How frequently do you post and comment?
    Bartosz Strickland
    I have found X (Twitter) works well for thought leadership. Sharing insights, participating in relevant discussions, and using threads to explain AI concepts helpeed us grow our following.
    Sage Turner
    YouTube seems like a great choice! I’ve seen some startups use tutorials or case studies to really connect with their audience. Have you tried anything like that?
    Kenneth Ray
    I totally get the power of Facebook Communities! It’s amazing how engaged people can be. Have you found any specific groups that align well with your audience?
    Martin Peters
    Product Hunt is such a vibrant community! I’d love to hear how your launch went and any key takeaways you’ve gathered from the feedback.
    Grace Kelly
    I have had a lot of success with LinkedIn as well! It’s great for reaching professionals, especially if you’re active in niche groups and consistently share valuable content.
    Samuel Clarke
    Facebook committees have been goldmine for me too i d suggest trying reddit more,especilly in industry specific subreddits
    Charlee Cruz
    You should give newsletters another try. I have been building an email list and found that sharing exculsivee tips or resources really helps with engagement and growth.
    Ha My Tran
    @charlee_cruz Thank you. I will definitely try. Which platforms are you currently using? Do you have any tips?