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  • Which marketing channel has worked best for you soo far?

    Luka Brzin
    10 replies
    If you are like me and are developing a B2C Saas I know you are on the constant lookout of which channel works and performs best in regards to attracting actual users. For me, it's been down to 2 channels and those are Reddit and LinkedIn. We also have an Instagram and TikTok account but we aren't really that active on those two. Which ones work best for you and what strategies do you apply to get the best results and conversions? Thanks for the answers in advance :) Cheers, Luka


    André J
    "Channel market fit" FTW 🚀
    Salar Davari
    Don't know about others but for me it's Google ads. At least up to now.
    Luka Brzin
    @salar__davari How much do you spend on ads per month?
    Coco Maiolo
    For me, email marketing has really delivered. I love how personalized messages can make a big impact on my audience.
    Nadeem iqbal
    I’ve seen great results with influencer partnerships. Collaborating with the right influencers has really boosted our visibility.
    Ashley Gnegy
    I’ve found social media to be the most effective for reaching my audience. It’s great for engagement and spreading the word quickly!
    Mason Derek Holloway
    For us, influencer marketing on TikTok has been 🔥. We partner with micro-influencers in our niche and the engagement and conversions have been insane. Takes some trial and error to find the right creators that resonate with your brand, but once you dial it in, TikTok is a game changer. Highly recommend giving it a shot if you haven't yet!
    Luka Brzin
    @masonderekholloway where do you find micro-influencers? Do you just seacrh for them on Tik Tok and then contact them?