Which tools are a must-have in your daily workflow?

Rupal Saini
80 replies
For me, it's Slack, Zoom, Notion, Phantombuster, Truebase, Reply, DashThis, and Contentful.


Arthur Leclercq
Airtable, Lemlist, Lusha, ChatGPT
Arthur Leclercq
@rupal_saini Airtable is a no-code platform, you can absolutely personalize it, way more options than google spreadsheets. More difficult to get used to it at the beginning, but when you are used to it, it is absolutely useful. It can replace many other tools that you can use
Rupal Saini
@arthur_leclercq Airtable is amazing. I don't use it frequently, but I explored it earlier and I really like its UX and comprehensive features :). How does Airtable compare to Google Spreadsheets for you?
Rupal Saini
@arthur_leclercq Interesting, I do think it's like a replacement for spreadsheets, just like Notion is for Google Docs. I haven't used Airtable much, so I'm not sure if I can use formulas just like in spreadsheets, but thank you for sharing these insights. I will learn more by exploring this tool this weekend.
Amit Arora
@arthur_leclercq good list. what do you use Lusha for? any specific reason of using Lusha?
Arthur Leclercq
@amit_arora As a sales person, Lusha is pretty nice since it gives you phone and mail of people on LinkedIn (not everyone but around 50% of people)
Casper Brix
Interesting! Notion, Slack and Spark is a must have for me
Rupal Saini
@casper_brix Spark is new to me. What purpose do you use it for?
Amit Arora
@casper_brix hey, is Spark like MailChimp or convertkit?
Andreas Sohns
For me, it's Slack, Notion, Figma, Google Workspace and Trello. These keep my day organized and productive.
Paulina Hryniewicz
Notion, ChatGPT, Slack :)
Rupal Saini
@paulinahryniewicz These are must-haves in everyone's kit! :)
Jesscia Nelson
For me, it will be Trello, Notion, Hotjar, and ChatGPT
Rupal Saini
@jessica_nelson730 Is Hotjar similar to Mixpanel?
Jesscia Nelson
@rupal_saini They are both tools for understanding user behavior, but still some differences I would say. Hotjar lets you see how users interact with your site through heatmaps and recordings. It is very intuitive and you can use it to improve user experience. Mixpanel seems to be more data-oriented. It tracks the meaningful actions users take in your product and helps with funnels.
Rupal Saini
@jessica_nelson730 this is insightful. I recently started exploring Mixpanel. This is helpful; thanks for sharing!
Hakim Zerhouni
For me, essential tools in my daily workflow include Slack for communication, Zoom for meetings,
Rupal Saini
@hakz These are also common in my stack as well! :D
Notion, canvas, pr...
Rupal Saini
@fay0227 by pr... Do you mean perplexity?
Amit Arora
@fay0227 what is canvas used for?
@rupal_saini Adobe Premiere. I need to make some videos for my work, so I'll be using it.
@amit_arora Create post pictures on social media.
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
I have to self promote here, but Fleso! Automated all the repetitive stuff and then I can focus on what I'm good at! (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Rupal Saini
@mplebl That's great! Is it similar to Zapier in any way?
Sona J
Interesting. I use Notion, Slack, Notes, and Figma almost everyday. Sessions, Airtable, ChatGPT, Zoom, Framer are the others that I use frequently.
Rupal Saini
@sona Notion is incredibly useful, it seems to be a staple in everyone's daily toolkit :) Sessions and Framer are unfamiliar to me. Could you explain what you use these tools for?
Sona J
@rupal_saini true, notion has made documentation simple. Sessions is for meetings and Framer for sites. We built @siviai website on @framerapp
Rupal Saini
@sona Nice, that's great! Is Sessions better than Zoom or Google Meet?
Amit Arora
@sona lovely list. What do you use sessions for?
Sona J
@rupal_saini its calendly + zoom with more flexibility
Salim Lunat
Launching soon!
ChatGPT ClickUp Slack Figma Iconstica :)
Rupal Saini
@salimlunat looks great! Iconstica for what use-case?
Amit Arora
@salimlunat interesting hearing Iconstica for the first time :)
ChatGPT - Translation, assisting with code Figma - Design Notion - Note and data management
Rupal Saini
@zenda1122 It's interesting to see these tools being common in most people's daily toolkit :)
Notes app, Reminders app and Sticky app :D
Amit Arora
@vaibhavdwivedi lovely:) Any specific Sticky app?
Rupal Saini
@vaibhavdwivedi All productivity boosters! πŸ˜„
@rupal_saini And surprisingly, all of them are the basic ones!
Rupal Saini
@vaibhavdwivedi I agree, simple + highly efficient without being complicated.
@amit_arora Not really. The default one!
Amit Arora
@allison_p_bain lovely, how do you take video calls within the team?
Rupal Saini
@allison_p_bain Both are great and frequently used in my stack :)
Lorenz Sell
For me a recent addition is the Arc browser. Totally changed my internet workflow. Most of my work exists between Notion, Slack, and Arc. Although I've also been using a super simple text editor called Hey Note. Sometimes Notion is too heavy weight for some notes that you want to jot down. I was finding myself with all sorts of loose TextEdit windows. Then I discovered HeyNote and it gives you a really simple way to manage light weight notes. When a note becomes something I want to save, I just copy and paste it into Notion.
Rupal Saini
@lorenzsell Arc and HeyNote are both new to me, so I appreciate you sharing your experience with these tools. I'll definitely consider giving them a try myself!
Amit Arora
@lorenzsell Arc is something new. Any specific reason for using Arc?
Arthur Miller
You have a great stack. I usually use Slack and GPT The must have tools
Rupal Saini
@arthur_miller1 Thanks! Slack and GPT are solid choices :)
Avital Trifsik
Slack, G-suite, Monday.com and Canva
Rupal Saini
@avital_trifsik Interesting tools! Canva is my favorite tool for creating visuals, although I don't use it regularly :)
My3 Murthy
notion- canva- google docs (yes, i use both), chat GPT
Rupal Saini
@my3_murthy I'm curious, why do you use both Google Docs and Notion, when you can do the same work in Notion?
its a lot ! for me its notion, zoom, canva, photoshop, Capcut, chat gpt and I use WhatsApp a lot
Rupal Saini
@ipaparazzo_app Yeah, it is. I have to use them for work; I'm trying to automate a lot of stuff with Zapier :) Btw, nice tech stack!
I primarily use Notion for organizing my tasks and projects. It's essential for note-taking, planning, and collaboration. Aside from Notion, I also rely on tools like Notion calendar, Twitter, Email, Google and more. Today is a special day! We've launched our new product on product hunt today. Let's Visit & up vote. You'll get a great experience.
Rupal Saini
@notionxyz1 Notion is one of my favorites! Can you share more about your product? I'd love to support it :)
Irsa Doham
Notion and Google doc, sheets
Rupal Saini
@irsa_doham All three are solid choices :) Just curious why you using Google doc and Notion both together?