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  • Why and How of Link Baiting

    Faizur R
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    Why and How of Link Baiting Link Bait Link Bait is a mechanism of publishing content that draws in backlinks. These include controversial contents, useful statistics and even news. The goal of link building is to make others want to share or link to your content. Link bait, when executed properly, simplifies the procurement of a lot of high-quality backlinks, which, in turn, can have a significant effect on a website's search visibility. Why Link Baits work When used effectively, link bait exploits human psychology to generate natural, organic backlinks. These factors are called "share triggers". 1)Social currency: People share content in an attempt to boost their public image 2)Emotion: When a content triggers an emotion in people, it gets shared 3)Practical Value: People like to share information that have practical use 4)Triggers: People tend to share things that are concerning to them 5)Stories: People don't always want loads of information, they want to share heart wrenching stores too 6) Public: Due to herd behavior, people have the tendency of mimicking other's behavior. What makes a great Link Bait 1)The Link Bait needs to be practical Producing a product that the audience can immediately put to use is what we mean when we talk about making material practical. Instruments, calculators, designs, lists, and quick reference guides are all good examples. Moz, for instance, offers numerous free tools that have garnered a significant number of inbound links. Never write something for your blog merely to have something there. There's no use in putting anything there unless it improves the quality of life for your intended audience. By sharing a piece of yourself with each visitor to your site, you will be providing invaluable value to them. Besides, if you're not the one doing it, your competitors will. 2. Make your link bait opinionated Providing the reader with new food for thought is another approach to ensure that your link bait is useful. Taking a fresh approach to a familiar issue is one way to stand out in a group discussion. 3. The link triggers emotions Humans are emotional creatures, either we navigate life via logic or through our emotions. So if you manage to create an article that can evoke joy, interest, sadness or any emotion (make sure it's not too gruesome that the audience has to turn away their attention to look for distraction. 4. Make the link bait visual Moz found that blog postings are the preferred method of content delivery across all age groups. Images are in second place. It doesn't matter who you're writing for; readers prefer a variety of reading and learning methods. The ability to see something is energizing. They discard miles of text that reads similarly and lacks visual interest. Include some eye-catching graphics to keep the reader interested. 13 ways your brain craves infographics by NeoMan Studios executes this tactic beautifully. 5. Make the link bait newsworthy People's attention is naturally drawn to whatever is currently trending in the news. And writers of all types are always on the lookout for new material. That means you'll need to include some noteworthy components in your material if you want major news outlets to link to you. Newsjacking is another tactic to get your content trending. By keeping an eye on breaking events and jumping on relevant topics with insightful analysis, you can propel your brand to the forefront of conversations and increase brand awareness. 6. Present in the form of a story We humans are a social species that tells tales to one another. It's essential to our social order. Because of this, the fact that we spread news by linking to articles is not shocking. This is why BuzzFeed has managed to gather so many high authority links, they sell stories. 7. Pay attention to what people are already linking to Links from rival pages for the same reason suggest that this explanation must be relevant to the subject at hand. As excellent as your website may be, it can never satisfy everyone's needs or provide every bit of information and utility that any individual user might be looking for. Thus, it makes perfect sense to utilize the web's power - the magic of links - to devise a simple, sustainable method of improving customer experience and delivering more value to its visitors. Before making your link bait, research the backlink profile of a page that is similar to yours to see what kinds of links were created there. Use keyword explorers from platforms like Ahsefs or Moz. For example if you are writing about kettlebell swing, you can see which sites have already written about them so that you can mention them in your content. To Wrap It Up So are you ready to embark on your link bait journey? Several factors should be remembered as it is being made. You don't need to use all these suggestions for every post, but being aware of them will help to steer your content towards public visibility. Whether or not you intend for your article to serve as link bait, your content quality can be improved by keeping these methods in mind.
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