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  • Why did you become an entrepreneur?

    8 replies


    nora voila
    They want to alternate the world. Changing the arena may additionally sound like a tall order, but many entrepreneurs are prompted by way of a choice to make a change in their community. They regularly get into entrepreneurship because they query the repute quo and wonder if there might be a higher manner to do matters. Regards https://deunscrambler.com/
    Johannes Karjula
    I wanted to do things that interest me personally and to solve world problems that I considered important. A better answer: to get some salary while studying at university. :)
    Chrystal Cienfuegos
    My answer isn't very interesting. There was just something I wanted to make. :)
    Junior Owolabi
    because I'm a software developer that has experienced quite a lot in my short life and like to use technology to prevent them and worse from happening to others. The above is a reason my company is called PrepxUs (Prep times Us; pronounced Preps-Up)
    There seemed to be too many limits on a 'job description'; my brain can't be contained and problem solving is an innate hobby.
    Ezzat Suhaime
    Being around people that were ambitious