Why do discussion posts take so long to appear in feed?
Solomon Bush
5 replies
Noticed that discussion posts aren't updating until after an hour or two - is that a manual review type thing or maybe a debounce method?
I thought I was kind of black listed from PH when I made my first discussions because I never saw them in the feed. I asked PH Team and they said that discussions were analyzed by moderators every hour. I suppose there's an automation but probably human activity behind this too.
Hi Solomon, As a SaaS Product Demo animation explainer video expert, I'm not sure why discussion posts take so long to appear in the feed. But I can share some possible reasons:
LinkedIn is prioritizing other types of content: LinkedIn may be prioritizing other types of content, such as status updates and job postings.
Your discussion post may not be relevant to your audience: If your discussion post is not relevant to your audience, it may not be shown to them.
Your discussion post may have been flagged for review: If your discussion post has been flagged for review, it may not be shown until it has been reviewed by a LinkedIn moderator.
I find that I have to refresh the discussions list manually in order to see updates