Why launch a startup, big companies are just fine? Tell your trailblazing story

Hi all, I wanted to start a convo about why those of us choose to take on more risk, work harder, and go through all the startup stuff... and for what? let me know below I'm sure its a story worth telling. I'm Stephen, the founder of https://comparebasic.com and my reason is simple, I had lots of ideas that were too old-school, too long-term, or too deep to be approved at other companies. So now I'm writing my own languages, trusting my gut, and building great software by breaking every "best practices" technique in the software engineering and tech product bookbook. Who are my customers, how do they think, how do I market products to them... who cares! I wont know what they will do unless I build something very limited. If I build a powerful enough system for them to be creative, its not my ideas that matter, its theirs. And that's a platform I will happily introduce. Consider this "knowing that a tool is necessary is not the same as knowing or prescribing how it will be used". In terms of tech: global scope, multiple dependencies, recursion, state all over the place... these things have their place if you make a decision to manage the risk. And if you don't make decisions... nothing happens anyway. Wish me luck, I look forward to hearing your story below.
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