Why your app idea needs an Epic Scope Statement

Reginald Andreas
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I'm a Nocode Bubble Developer who works with aspiring tech entrepreneurs to bring their app ideas to life and one of the challenges I often see them encounter is how inaffective they are at communicating their product's needs. Many non-technical founders lack the knowledge, skills, and insight into the software development process to know what information to provide in a scope and why. This sets them up for failure as their products may never get into production or are left incomplete and overbudget due to miscommunications and misunderstandings. So I've built a tool to help them create Clear, Concise, and Complete software project plans and scope statements to better communicate their product's needs to stakeholders and production teams. Check out Knocode here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/knocode-software-project-plans-scoping
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