With all the AI products launching every day. Do you have AI anxiety?
13 replies
Chris Sarca@chris_sarca
No, it's just boring, it was fine in the beginning, but now it feels cheap.
@chris_sarca I have exactly the same feeling. I don't really get any more excited with them.
@chris_sarca If it's just another basic ChatGPT plugin, then yes. But if it's something novel that's still exciting.
For me the word would be uncertainty due to the changes that AI will generate in the future and how it will affect us.
A little overwhelmed tbh
It was very exciting at first and now it's so many choices. Analysis paralysis maybe 🤔
@mobilemediamania I feel you Lala.🙂
Exciting new AI products are those ones without AI in it's name or tagline. Others are just API wrappers.