Would you pay for a Python debugging AI?
Kaya Yagci
5 replies
Hello everyone! I'm on the verge of launching my own Python debugging AI! However, I'm really struggling with whether anybody would be willing to pay for my AI. I've spent about 6 months working on it to bring it to the level where I wanted it to be. So, my question is: Would you be willing to pay for a Python debugging AI that outcompetes every other AI out there?
Hossein Yazdi@hosseinyazdi
A debugging AI tool specifically for Python sounds very demanding, is it finished yet? Btw, why are you hesitant? You can always find someone willing to pay as long as you provide value to them, the only catch is to find those people through marketing.
@hosseinyazdi Hello Hossein, its almost finished! But yeah the only field I really struggle in is marketing. I can build it without problems but fail at bringing it to the right people:( But thank you for your uplifting words! I will try my best at it!
Yes, I would be happy to pay for a Python debugging AI that outcompetes every other AI out there.
Problem: Debugging Python code can be a time-consuming and frustrating task, especially when encountering complex issues or bugs that are hard to identify.
How Contentify can help: With Contentify's AI-powered automation, users can streamline their debugging process by utilizing AI agents to identify and resolve issues in Python code more efficiently. This can save time and increase productivity, allowing users to focus on other tasks.
Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
Sure, I'd consider paying! It's like having a coding buddy who doesn't get tired at 3 AM when the bugs come out to play.
@thestarkster Hahaha! Thank you for your motivation man! I wanted to quit the project, but now because of you, I regained motivation to finish it!