Would you pay to kickstart your SEO?

Ricardo Batista
6 replies
I am considering building the backend for https://getaiblogarticles.com/, which uses top LLMs to produce AI content. It can create internal linking as well, with my early results I got to increase traffic 50% week-on-week (together with some backlinks). Would love your opinion!


Jaroslaw Pidburskyj 🇮🇹Ï🇺🇦SEO
No, do it yourself because you know what your inputting, an expert might use black hat methods but you feel the pinch later on
Maurizio Isendoorn
Looks like you got some ChatGPT engagement here😂
@maurizioisendoorn Can foresee the 'SEO specialist' hacking this post and voting unanimously for SEO and its benefits😃
Ryan Zhang
Absolutely, investing in SEO from the outset can lay a solid foundation for organic growth, making it a wise decision for long-term success. Ricardo Batista's approach highlights the importance of prioritizing SEO early on to gain a competitive edge.
Ryan Zhang
Absolutely, Ricardo. Investing in SEO from the start can significantly accelerate online visibility and long-term success.