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    11 replies


    Ruben Wolff
    Option 3 is quite awkward in my opinion. And when you work with people from all across the globe, you have to be ready to mispronounce their names as well, it's just part of meeting new people
    @rubenwolff I understand your opinion. And, it's acceptable if someone mispronounces a couple of times but it's disrespectful when they don't even try to learn.
    Ruben Wolff
    @tapsi you're absolutely right
    Preeti Chovoor
    Most people say my name wrong and I've been used to it
    Preeti Chovoor
    @tapsi It's sad but I look at it on the bright side, people accidentally compliment me without knowing 😂
    @preeti_chovoor hahaha, that's awesome!
    Daniil Glezer
    Most of the people can't pronounce my name correctly, so i always go by alias or an incorrect pronunciation that sounds close enough 😅
    @daniilgdg haha, I hope people learn the right pronunciation soon :p