Would you subscribe to a Generative AI product based on number of generations instead of tokens?

Atul Singh
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Hey Product Hunters! šŸš€ I'm curious on this new pricing strategy of Gen AI product that's shaking up the traditional pricing model. Instead of the usual token-based pricing, platforms are offering a unique twist ā€” pricing based on the number of AI-generations. This means you pay for the output, regardless of length or complexity. Also, what if its offered as a bi-annual subscription for the price of what you'd typically pay for an annual plan. That's two years for the price of one! I'm curious to hear your thoughts: - Would the generation-based pricing model be more appealing to you than the traditional token-based system? - Does a biannual plan at the cost of an annual plan sound like a deal you'd be interested in? - How do you think this could impact your usage and budgeting for AI services? Looking forward to your insights and whether this could be the future of AI product subscriptions! Join the discussion and let's weigh the pros and cons together! šŸ§  šŸš€ Made possible by Cognitiev.com šŸ§ 
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