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  • You have your MVP ready. Now what's next?

    67 replies
    I am learning on my own. Mostly looking at others. This one question I have for a long time. What you all doing once you have your MVP up and running? Share anything


    Shiva Prabhakaran
    You start talking to your users and define what features they care about. Once you have a list, start building.
    Khalid Belghiti
    @killshiva @heymadsen Agree... that's an iterative process that should start way before starting to build the MVP :)
    @killshiva then you prioritise and build. Awesome. 🙂 Thank you
    Madsen Vale
    @killshiva As a matter of fact, that should be done also before having the mvp to qualify value propositions and market fit.
    Franklin Ekwem
    @killshiva @heymadsen I agree with you, it's the basic thing to work on before building the MVP, thank you for sharing.
    Alex Goff
    I finished my MVP of www.everyhour.xyz at Christmas. I felt the same. The short answer is that you already know. Now it is time to grow, you need people to hear about what you do, provide value, find groups, ask them to share - provide value. Building the MVP is a giant wall that stops most (though people do love climbing walls). The next is a long tall hill where you need to spread the word of where you are going. Good luck, keep going.
    @acgoff wow! Just looked at everyhour, looks really nice. Talking about spreading the word. What all you are doing/did so far? Would love to know those as well. ❤️
    Alex Goff
    @thisissubhendu specific friends and family launch first - iron out bugs and get common questions. Then public post to my networks. Idea to prove value of the product - will this help people that don't know me or have any connection to be apart from the website. Then it is just about speaking to people, Reddit, Facebook, forums, etc. I'm in this stage. I'm optimising for connections to speak to people.
    Alex Kontsevych
    I don't have an MVP of Emaily yet, but first of all, I will try to find my target audience and talk to it. And only after that I would update / add smth new / release the product.
    @kontsevich so don't add more features to it until you have a larger targeted audience?
    Alex Kontsevych
    @thisissubhendu not larger 🙂 But yeah. I see no reason to add new features until I understand for whom exactly I am doing this
    Shiva Mangal
    MVP building and customer building should go in parallel. If you haven't done that start with defining use cases, target audience, or market where your MVP can be used to solve a specific problem engage some beta users to understand whether your MVP is useful. If it's not, try finding different markets or target audiences with different demographics before building new features.
    Emma Phượng Nguyễn
    @nurture_labs I agree. MVP, in my opinion, is a test to learn about your audience engagement. If you are doing something right, they will react.
    Volodymyr Demkiv
    Lunch! Hopefully you did some background work to collect early adopters to share your MVP with.
    Jan Forsthuber
    Focus on testing the MVP and searching for a PMF. Even better, (pre)-sell it. Get it in front of as many potential customers as you can to gather feedback. Walking around fairs and pre-selling our prototype helped us get to the break-even point only 2 weeks after we had gotten the first pieces out of production (hardware product).
    Carlo Thissen
    @forst 100% agree on that. Talk to customers and keep building product. The biggest problem to solve until PMF is churn. If this one is fixed the world looks far more rosy again.
    Isaac Ng
    Clearly define who you're building your product/MVP for - this was a game-changer for us as we're building www.tinyask.co. 5 months into building and having left our day jobs, we were speaking with potential users but it wasn't clear who we were building it for. But as soon as we sat down to define it, things become much, much clearer for us. Still a WIP but clarity has been night and day. Really spend the time to define who you're building it for (because that helps you understand why a user would use a product, what their current solutions are, what incentivises them, what delights them, what they dislike about the current solutions and where to find these users).
    I have decided that my goal with Remotewx is to develop a successful MVP that will remain an MVP. :) Why should the ultimate goal always be to be the best and biggest company? So for me the quality of life is most important and not everyone is a good CEO. I'd rather be a founder than a CEO. :)
    @luc_mengel wow! This is very bold. Deep. I gotta think more on this one. ❤️
    Shiva Mangal
    @luc_mengel this job board is awesome
    @nurture_labs Thanks man! Cheers mate 🥂
    Sharath Kuruganty
    Undefeated Underdogs Podcast
    Undefeated Underdogs Podcast
    First of all, if you have an MVP that means you won half the battle. Now there are many things you can do. 1. Use it to learn what people want. 2. Use it to learn how to gather feedback 3. Use it to learn how to iterate 4. Use it to find early believers 5. Use it to build community There is so much you can do. Treat every move as a learning experience and do it with a curious mind.
    Devanand Premkumar
    @5harath I like your idea of treating every move as a learning experience. The curious mind with a passionate heart can make the impossible possible. Cheers to you on this.
    Shyam Prasad Reddy
    Define your LAQA (Largest Addressable Qualified Audience) and talk to them!
    Devanand Premkumar
    @shyam_prasad_reddy I would suggest to go with the smallest audience in a specific niche and hone the product or service. This will certainly give you the skills and experience needed for scaling up when its ready for your LAQA. Those in your first wave would also become your brand ambassadors giving you valuable outreach including needed visibility.
    Grisel Dugarte
    Oh, I totally understand that feeling! We just started this stage with Vidiwise and our focus is feedback and more feedback. Understand what our users prefer, like, dislike from our platform, keep building based on this! It´s all about hearing your potential costumers, be there willing to co-create with them! Take care of your own community, learn, pivot, keep learning & keep going!
    Devanand Premkumar
    @gd77 Your absolutely right on the feedback requirement. During the initial phase, the more feedback you collect, the better your product can be. I am curious on how you collected feedback when you were at MVP stage.
    Khalid Belghiti
    Same here with www.tiramisuapp.com. We finished the MVP but we already started discussions with partners and small communities for testing. Hopefully we'll officially launch in the next weeks or couple of months :)
    @khalid_b I love the logo and the animation ❤️ All the best. I am definitely gonna reach out to you for help 😊
    Carlo Thissen
    In 99% of the cases churn will be the biggest factor to solve once you have a relatively stable and desirable product. This is probably the trickiest challenge of them all.
    Sanskar Tiwari
    @carlo_thissen i churn should only be focus once you have build some mrr not to start with in starting focusing on to many thing becomes focusing on nothing
    Hey @thisissubhendu, at www.markopolo.ai , we're just done with our MVP, I can totally relate with your query, what we've done before completing our MVP, we launched our Alpha version using Google doc and notion calendar, gave it to 5 users whom we mostly reached out from our peer connections, took their reviews about the user flow and imitated that to our MVP, now we're slowly A/B testing on new user demographics, noting down their responses, trying to fast reflect those in our product. Finally we're planning to launch in Product Hunt this month, with that we're expecting to get as much reviews as possible to scale the product in the right way, Hope this helped, best of luck to your endeavor! :D
    Eugene Hauptmann
    Ah, here's a quick one: Phase I 1. Show it to your friends and family. Get feedback. 2. Show it to your target audience. Get feedback. 3. Rinse. 4. Repeat. Phase II 1. Once your target audience is happy and can't stop using your product 2. Ask them to pay for your product/service. 3. A/B test your monetization strategy. 4. Rinse. 5. Repeat. Phase III 1. Ask yourself is it still the same business you've started 2. Position your business to take full advantage of Product Market Fit (PMF) 3. Rinse. 4. Repeat and Grow.
    @eugenehp Well, Eugene, thanks for the advice, one thing make me upset is that I don't know where to find early adopters. PS: our product can do zoom audio transcript https://www.airgram.io
    Dimitris Karavias
    @eugenehp I'd be wary of friends & family feedback. I highly recommend reading The Mom Test.
    Eugene Hauptmann
    @dkaravias Of course, if you know who's your audience you can skip right the step 2. Before you get there F&F usually give you some feedback, which can be hit-or-miss, but it's definitely not zero. re: book – thanks, time to re-read it again.
    Sanskar Tiwari
    @eugenehp friend and family might not be the ideal audience, what will happen if you show a awesome football shoes to someone who don't play football you might have the best product but if you will ask will you pay for this how is this its not helpful for you
    Sanskar Tiwari
    @eugenehp @daniel_chenzw i will say its rather easy you need to find people who use zoom first will be to be on the zaaps marketplace then start but targeting people who use zoom teachers, company manager's and more linkedin might be good place to reach out to
    Carlos Riquelme
    I am reading with another state of consciousness (a bits weed), I read and try to understand their different points of view and perceptions about what they should do and each one has a very different opinion. Do I see cases like the one I explained by @griseldugarte de Vidiwise and I ask myself so relax? Do you have a lot of cash in order to be able to withstand what market you buy? I started with 200usd this time, I convinced a Devs remotely for a percentage of the sales + those dollars. I am self-made, without the financial spread that a few of our mini jobs and now starts to do again and my goal is to close the deal with what I have, I have no money in my money haha. www.kulko.app (beta)
    One thing make me upset is that I don't know where to find early adopters. I want to find them to get feedback and help us improve the product. I tried reddit, slack, twitter, it works bad. And I think our product is not ready for PH now, so I really don't know what to do. PS: our product can do zoom audio transcript www.airgram.io
    Sam Tilston
    Setup a few landing pages for different use cases. Spend a test amount of marketing budget on each landing page. If the maths works out, great, if not, move on.
    Devanand Premkumar
    @sam_tilston Simple, but effective strategy for sure :)
    Alex Goff
    Thanks! The first thing I did was share it to friends - specifically asking can you use this for a week. This ironed out bugs or common questions and most used it for this period but then stopped as they are not the target users. Since then I have started just speaking to people. On Reddit, on Facebook, on forums. In the early days those conversations are super powerful and the only thing I'm optimising for. There is no strategy. Just speak to as many people as you can.
    Rachit Nigam
    As MVP is built, I would go out in the market, reach out to my target audience. Give them the reason to use my product and then gain as much of feedback possible. This exercise will lay a foundation of next iteration and help in understanding how much of the product is being adopted by the users.