Your five morning routine must dos?
Mark Woodhall
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I'm fascinated by the power of morning routines in setting the tone for a productive day. What 5 rituals or activities help you kickstart your mornings?
When I was suffering with anxiety, the first thing to go was my morning routine and from there it was difficult to be productive for the rest of the day!
Share your morning 5 must do morning routine elements in the comments!
Heres mine:
My morning routine varies a lot, but there are a few things that I always try to do.
1. When I was suffering badly with anxiety my first waking thought was always "do I feel rubbish today", I've tried to be proactive about changing that first thought to a more open "How do I feel today?".
2. Get outside as soon as possible, if I can't walk the dogs, then just hang out in the garden for a few minutes.
3. Make fresh Coffee, there is some about the process that is relaxing, the weighing, grinding, steaming some milk!
4. Shower and take the kids to school. Making use of that #remotework role!
5. Start work around 8:30. Spend the first 15 minutes or so focusing on positives from the day before.
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