Your thoughts on fake reviews
Moumen Hamid
5 replies
We all have to start somewhere, and this community knows this best. My question is, what’s the consensus on fake reviews?
I’ve seen so many launches using what are obviously fake reviews, either from the makers themselves or using your typical unsplash user avatars.
I’ve been very hesitant to use such tactics but it seems so widespread and is the norm… and maybe a must??
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts
Hazel Victoria Ashworth@hazelvictoriaashworth
Fake reviews are definitely a grey area. I think you have to decide based on your values and goals as you said. Personally, I aim for authentic reviews from real users, even if it means a slower start. But I get the temptation, especially with how AI might make fake reviews the norm. Curious to hear others' take on this ethical dilemma! 🤔 In the end, I think building real relationships and trust with your audience is the way to go for long-term success. Just my 2 cents!
aesthetic • Notion, Styled
Hello Moumen,
I hope you're doing great.
This is a really interesting question :). I've launched some products and I immediately got emails, Linkedin invitations for a month to help me boost my launch with fake reviews and upvotes for PH. I personally think that this is not how I want my products to be launched, I want real users, testers to comments but I think this is personal and it depends on what are your business goals, your values, your situation at the moment, your needs... I'm sure it may help some people. Last but not least, this is how I think today but I might change the way I see things because these tactics could be the official ones really soon with AI and all future services that are coming.
Have a nice day!
@sonolucilla thank you for the answer. I was actually referring to the “loved by 5k+ customers” on the landing. Apologies not being clear
I am with you on this @sonolucilla. My LinkedIn is clogged with hunters that want to help. Feels like the game is rigged when the most upvoted product wins by AI generated upvotes and reviews. I want real feedback from real users that we can do something valuable with.
that's okay