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$16M for spreadsheets
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Product Highlight
Simplifying data analysis with spreadsheet dashboards

Following a $16M Series A led by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), Excel-competitor Equals just shipped Dashboards: a tool for building automated and aesthetic business intelligence (BI) dashboards inside Equals spreadsheets.

Coming for Excel’s market share: Equals was co-founded by Bobby Pinero and Ben McRedmond, both ex-Intercom leadership. You might remember its launch last June. The product’s popularity led it to become a finalist in the Golden Kitty Awards for Data & Analytics earlier this year.

"Equals started with the premise that the spreadsheet is the best way to do analysis," explains Pinero. And he's got a point. With most BI tools, users end up clicking 'download csv' whenever they want to dig deeper into the data. Dashboards removes the need for that extra step, enabling users to work with live business data in a familiar format: the spreadsheet.

Native connections to live data sources: Dashboards connects to SQL databases and tools like Hubspot and Stripe to automatically update charts and tables. This ensures reports stay accurate and up-to-date, aiming to save time and improve teams’ capacity to make data-driven decisions.

“It really feels like Equals is one of those before/after moments for spreadsheets,” said Intercom co-founder Des Traynor when the spreadsheet challenger first launched.“*Of course* they should be perpetually connected to live data, *of course* any analysis/queries should be held in version control.”

Why another spreadsheet tool: For both early-stage founders and growth-stage operators, BI tools often have a steep learning curve, which can limit their ability to provide actionable insights. Equals' Dashboards lets users get started in an age-old tool – the spreadsheet – and immediately dig deeper into their data, without the need for any “SQL gymnastics.”

Cat Nips
  • Hear It Fresh generates personalized Spotify playlists based on your favorite artists or a Spotify playlist link, using GPT-3.
  • Dispatch helps users treat Slack conversations as to-dos while prioritizing them based on sender, channel, and keywords.
  • 10Web AI Assistant generates SEO-optimized content inside WordPress’s Gutenberg or Classic Editor.
  • Billie is a personal invoice assistant for MacOS that automatically renames, moves, and mails files to your accountant.
Makers corner
  • Product-Market Fit Survey by Formbricks gathers actionable user insights with an open-source micro-survey tool for B2B SaaS.
  • MojoAuth 3.0 AI simplifies authentication flows by integrating login pages without code to allow users to get comfortable with more secure password-free options.
  • Patterns allows users to build Slackbots to answer customer queries, add an AI assist feature to a product, and more.
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