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Science šŸ¤ AI

Happy New Year! Itā€™s officially time to circle back to all the things you said you would in the new year.Ā 

Hereā€™s some news:Ā 

šŸ¤– GitHub officially makes Copilot Chat generally available to all devs.

ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹Scientists have discovered new antibiotics with the help of AI.

šŸ“· Camera manufacturers are developing tech to help distinguish between real and AI.

Five products to help you stick to your resolutions

The holidays are over, and itā€™s officially 2024. You know what that means. Everyone you know will be talking about their New Year's resolutions. Gyms will be packed, books will be read, and courses will be started.

Often, though, resolutions can be destined to fail. As the old saying goes, fail to prepare and prepare to fail. But there are solutions, and they come in the form of products. Here are five of them that can help you keep your 2024 goals on track:Ā 

heydai is a visual time-tracking tool with a touch of AI. It helps you manage your time more effectively with a visual timeline, categorization, analytics, and history.

socra is marketed as a second brain with a healthy dose of AI injected into it. It includes a personal AI coach, goal-tracking, guided journeys, and more.Ā 

Avra Core wants to solve an underlying issue of why you might not hit your goals. Your mindset. Itā€™s a simple affirmation app on iOS and Android designed to enhance well-being and improve mindset.Ā 

Polar Habits is a habit tracker without the dreaded streak tracker. Rather than tracking daily activity, it tracks momentum so you can return and feel empowered to keep up your progress.

If cutting back on alcohol is one of your resolutions, Drylendar is here to help with that. It allows you to track your alcohol intake on a calendar view and gives you medals based on how long you stay sober.

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