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    A new “smart drug” to help you focus
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    A new “smart drug” to help you focus

    Two years ago, the team at More Labs launched Morning Recovery with a science-based approach to treating hangovers. How? Morning Recovery uses DHM, a liver-boosting supplement, to break down alcoholic toxins and help you bounce back after a night of drinking. 🍹

    What folks thought of their initial launch on Product Hunt:

    “You have no idea how much I need this, this morning.” - Erwin

    “As an entrepreneur in the alcohol industry, I'm definitely going to check this out.” - Brad

    It's a great product in a cute bottle that's easy to down before a night of drinking/before bed. Has definitely helped with my hangovers and will continue to use.” - Emily

    Now, More Labs is back with a new science-backed product — Liquid Focus.

    The company describes Liquid Focus is a safer, healthier alternative to focus drugs like Adderall. The liquid dietary supplement was developed by an ex-FDA scientist, and is made with natural and FDA compliant ingredients.

    What it's not: an energy drink. 💥

    Unlike energy drinks, it's not loaded with caffeine or sugar. Unlike Adderall, its ingredients won't create dependency. Oh, and it's grapefruit-flavored.

    Some initial comments from the community:

    “ I can’t wait to try and add this into my rotation. I travel a lot and constantly live in perpetual jet lag.” - Alex

    “This would be super amazing if it works since I've always been looking for something that doesn't give coffee breath but is stronger than tea.” - Mark

    “I’m pretty much coffee addicted, so excited to try something that gives more stable focus without the jitters!” - Vera

    More Labs isn’t the only company producing cognitive-enhancing beverages. Do your research before consumption. And check out these other unconventional drinks:

    😌 Kin Euphorics for the buzz without the alcohol

    💧 Liquid Death Mountain Water for canned water

    💦 Recess for sparkling water with adaptogens in a pretty can

    🥤 Ugly Drinks for a flavored sparkling water subscription

    🌱 DRAM for Lemongrass CBD sparkling water


    Build an entire business on Instagram? Jenny Gyllander did that. We sat down with the Thing Testing founder to talk about how she made her side hustle into her full-time gig. 🙌🙌🙌

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