Product Hunt Daily Digest
March 26th, 2024

Heads up! The latest episode of the Product Hunt podcast is up. Check it out to see what products our content team thinks you need to know about, and for an interview with Developer Tool of the Year, Resend.

As for the news...

🍎Apple announced its next WWDC is on June 10. Get ready for some AI updates!

💸Add Walmart, 7-Eleven, and Chick-fil-A to the list those working on drone delivery.

🖌️Canva acquired Affinity, a creative software suite — its 7th acquisition.

Learning to code = building a habit

“As of today, there [are] no other apps available to just practice and do coding exercises on mobile,” explains Cyril Chaillan who launched CodenQuest today, a mobile app to learn how to code.

Yes… if you search the App Store for something like “learn to code,” you’ll find some strong apps. What caught my eye about CodenQuest was its Duolingo-style approach.

For one thing, the app is built around gamification – things like streaks, competitions, and categories. But beyond that, the app includes features like autocompletes and “fill in the blanks” to help you learn 11 different coding languages from Python to Rust.

As the maker pointed out in the comments, CodenQuest makes the most sense for beginners, and perhaps intermediate coders who need practice. You’re definitely going to hit a roadblock on your journey to code fluency if you don’t challenge yourself outside the app.

But I think CodenQuest has the potential to help you beginners with the hardest (and perhaps most important) part – building the habit of coming back day after day to learn a new skill.

Build the coding habit

There’s Notion, and then there’s everyone else.

Amongst the top 10 tools that makers have identified as key to their stacks and success, Notion stands alone as the only product that is not a development tool, design tool, or AI model. In fact, it's the fourth most cited tool in maker’s stacks during launch.

Orca Scan, a tool that lets you create a barcode system without code, said “Notion is our go-to place to keep track of everything team Orca, from retrospectives, sprint boards, and even internal policies.”

You can learn how to call out your stack in your next launch here.

  • Weavely lets you design and publish forms directly in Figma.
  • Game devs: Subscrible is a platform working to help lower acquisition costs for gamers.
  • Daytona is an open-source dev environments manager that automates your setup in one command.