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    Building blocks for the metaverse

    It feels like everyone is trying to solve real-time collaboration.

    We first met Plutoview a year ago with its shared browsing solution. It took Product of the Week and #4 Product of the Month.

    “Whoah! It's like a browser in GDocs way!!” wrote one commenter.

    Plutoview isn’t the only shared browser we’ve seen (see RemoteHQ or Hyperbeam), but what differentiated it is tackling multiple screens at once. With traditional screen sharing users would share one screen at a time, but that’s not really the equivalent of what would happen in a room. You’d all have your own desktop spaces, each with your own apps and tabs open. In that way, Plutoview gets closer to recreating what an IRL team workspace would look like.

    Co-founder Arkadiy Baltser was inspired to create Plutoview after his own experience in the classroom. The startup has been working to infiltrate the education space, where students learning remotely typically need to collaborate across tools from note-taking apps to education platforms.

    Now the team has launched an API to enable makers of remote tools, virtual events platforms, and online education academies to leverage its co-browsing and real-time collaboration experience.

    “Plutoview API turns metaverses into collaborative environments where all the work collaboration is hosted in-house. Your users get to enjoy their favorite web applications, browsing and working collaboratively, from within your own platform,” Baltser wrote.

    He also shared that Plutoview is powered by edge level cloud-computing. We wrote about an alternative approach to edge-computing when we introduced Subspace. For those learning the term, we like this simple definition from Paul Miller via the Verge: “Edge computing is computing that’s done at or near the source of the data, instead of relying on the cloud at one of a dozen data centers to do all the work. It doesn’t mean the cloud will disappear. It means the cloud is coming to you.”

    So while Plutoview isn't using Subspace's approach to low latency (yet), what the products have in common is that they’re both, at some level, working on infrastructure to power the metaverse.

    Which is also what it feels like everyone is working on these days!

    Ask a VC founder anything

    In Brianne Kimmel’s former life, she led product and go-to-market strategy and Zendesk.

    Then she founded Work Life, an early-stage venture firm in Silicon Valley that invests in tools and services for the modern workplace. She’s invested in companies like Webflow and Voiceflow and is ready to talk about her experience, Web3, and her predictions for next year.

    Go ahead...

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