Simon Dawlat

Firebase + Batch - Push notifications for Firebase, for the post-Parse world.


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Simon Dawlat
hey PH! In the wake of the Parse shut down, Firebase emerged as one of the top requested BaaS service among our community so we hackathoned this integration over 3 days (and 3 nights, damn). A solid push notifications infrastructure has always been a top requested Firebase feature. While our integration is not technically built-in, it will take you minutes to set-up. Let me know what you think.
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
@virtualgoodz you gotta do what you gotta do if one the big ones shuts down a service! Nice hustle into a new platform Simon! Good luck!
Laurent Mascherpa
@virtualgoodz Really good landing page, I'm still evaluating firebase. Thanks for supporting the developer community!
Simon Dawlat
@laurentm sure! would be great to work together on this with you Laurent
@virtualgoodz nice option for our clients, now I just need an option for easy image/video uploads for Firebase to replace PFFile...
boaz saragossi
I thought of checking out Firebase as a Parse alternative, and now with the Batch push integration it's "pushing" me in that direction.
Matthew Hui
Exactly what I needed!
good new for parse's user
Simon Burns
Perfect timing on this launch, considering the migration over!