Nishant Das

Cheerio - Build meaningful connections with like-minded strangers


Cheerio helps its users find folks who match their vibe. You can discuss common interests, play games, share gifts and have a ball of a time, all from the comfort of your couch. With Cheerio, good company and great conversations are just a tap away.

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No iOS app?
Nishant Das
@tavusion Currently in beta, will be released within 2 weeks.
Nishant Das
It was the midst of the pandemic v1, when Cheerio founders decided to have a late night party on Zoom. After a few drinks, it almost seemed like they were at one place, sharing conversations in person. The only thing that could make this party even more lit was if it could be discovered by a lot more people who shared the same vibe as the founders and a sprinkle of ice breaking features such as party games and prompts. With this cocktail recipe of a social network redefined, the founders set out building Cheerio. Maximising fun not productivity, chill conversations not gyaan and always ensuring a gooood time, hop on to cheerio now.
Avinash U
Just try downloading the app from Play Store, our humble effort in disrupting the social networking space.
ayush gupta
Hey! This is a great app to make friends and socialise with others during a pandemic which has made socialising otherwise very difficult. I was wondering if cheerio gives recommendations based on user location to make the interaction possible with people living in close vicinity.
Nishant Das
@gupta_ayushh Hey Ayush, yes our recommendations take into account physical proximity as well and match users so that they can have a shot at meeting in real life too if they build that level of mutual trust
Abhilash Vardhan
Had a blast on this app last night, some really intriguing conversations with absolutely amazing folks.. Try it out!
Sergey Voynov
Interesting idea! This will help bring virtual communication closer to reality. Very relevant at this time.
Vladyslav Brashchenko
Great tool!