
People Also Search For - Find relevant keywords your audience is searching for

A free tool that uses Google's data and search results to help you find keywords your audience is (also) searching for.

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Hey Product Hunt! For the past two years we've been working on a wide range of SEO tools and products. Today we're releasing something that I think will be very useful for starting content marketers that don't yet have the budget for keyword research tools: People Also Search For by Dashword. It's completely free and all you need to do is enter a keyword. Try it out!
Levi Gleb Raskin
@_altint Congrats with your launch! Tell me please, how it aggregate words for SEO? Does it works for ASO (play market, store)? Does it shows the biggest impressions of each sentences or something like that?
@_1_ras Hey Gleb, only Google data at the moment. We show search volume, CPC and competition level.
Sandra Djajic
This is perfect for SEO and content creation, looks straight-forward and easy to understand
@maxine_buchert Thanks Maxine, glad you like it!
@_altint I immediately bookmarked this. This is a great free tool and beats the heck out of using Google Ads to research keywords. Awesome work!
@brentobox thank you, appreciate it! :)
Ral Oz
I tried it and it shows “500 | SERVER ERROR”
@ral_oz hi, sorry about that, we have a small error for when searches return 0 results. This will be fixed soon!