Desky is a 100% free app that allows teams to book their workspaces in the office with ease, while managers gain visibility, productivity and peace of mind.
Hi Hunters!
Happy to publicly launch the upgraded Desky today! We've been listening to our users' feedback and developing new solutions :)
The goal of Desky remains the same, to give organizations the power to design their office map, allowing teams to book their workspaces with ease, while their managers gain visibility, productivity and peace of mind.
🟢 What’s new?
- Now available in 6 languages → English, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Portuguese!
- Create multiple floor plans and manage your different workspaces.
- The possibility to have several Admins within a company and to change them at any time with ease.
- Admins and users can be in more than one company on Desky with the same email account.
- Admins and users now log in at the same place.
🟣 What’s the same?
- It’s still 100% FREE, no catch!
- Design your office map easily (no design skills required).
- Book a hot desk or a meeting room at any time, even from mobile!
- Manage your booking hours and avoid crowds.
- Quickly add your team members in bulk.
- Minimalist and intuitive app.
🏆 Value to you
- Adapt your office to hybrid work.
- Ensure that everyone always has their space.
- Avoid crowds and disorganization.
- Keep track of who is in the office with ease.
- Identify usage trends.
- Optimize the management of your team.
- Maximize your office efficiency and boost productivity.
Let us know what you think of Desky! Feel free to leave a comment below we would be happy to answer it!
Desky is soo good to manage our office when we have to combine remote workers with presential people.
Now they've added some missing functionalities that are really crucial to have several admins, floors and improving a already working product. We use it every day, for our +60 people company.
And its crazy that's free.
Desky is a fantastic tool for teams and managers looking to streamline their workspace booking process.
As a designer on the team, I can attest to the user-friendly interface and the emphasis on ensuring that teams and managers have the visibility they need to increase productivity. Plus, it's 100% free to use! Give Desky a try and see how it can improve your office management.
If you have any questions or need help using Desky, don't hesitate to reach out!
Aha... this looks exactly what I was searching for. Account creation process was smooth. Adding google and linked in signups would be much helpful. Congratulations on the launch!
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