thanks for the hunt @quincylun!
we wanted to make a place for people to create, share and explore their favorite spaces together so we made we've got a lot more coming in 2020 so stay tuned!
at the moment, you can capture and export anything you want in 3D: check out if you're interested
happy to answer any questions folks have - here's a post that says some more:
While some of the UI/controls for moving in 3D are clunky, this is a beautiful app doing some amazing new stuff! Photogrammetry is mind blowing, and they’ve done a great job of making it work everywhere: mobile, desktop, and VR, via the web so it’s really easy to share immersive experiences!
@cetsell this is great feedback! we have a Discord server with a #feedback channel if you ever want to give the product team more guidance about the controls :)
With all the due respect as this app is indeed well made, but I don't understand what problem is trying to solve, or what is the final goal of it to justify $27M in funding. I mean, congrats! But I really don't get it. I'm missing something apparently.
I saw this and started to install but dropped in middle of install funnel because my phone number and date of birth was required.
Can you clarify why phone is required and why there is no sign in with email, google etc or just anonymous sign up until asset needs to be stored.
@kimmohintikka1 what device are you on? email signup is available on both iOS and Android, and more single sign on options are coming soon - phone was just the quickest password-less option at the time so we started with that first - we're still in beta, and weren't expecting to get hunted so soon
@anjneymidha Thanks for getting back to me. I understand sometime one ends up in PH before planned and I didn't know I was in Beta app maybe been less harsh on my feedback. As I don't like to share my phone number of manage million different password going to wait for FB or Google signup.
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