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Nate Schmidt

Cloverly - An API for carbon offsets 🌎

We're excited to launch Cloverly, an API for carbon offsets. You feed us information about emissions and we'll perform the offset. Built for ecommerce deliveries, rideshare miles driven, carbon calculators, and more!

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Nate Schmidt
Hey everyone. We thought we'd celebrate Earth Day with the launch of Cloverly, an API for carbon offsets. Our team has been working on this project for over a year. It was born out of our frustration around ecommerce shipments. We're all buying more and more online, and those deliveries come with a heavy carbon footprint. People have been purchasing offsets for cars and homes for a while, but they haven’t been easily accessible to the digital economy. Offsets can also lack transparency, which is something we're trying to improve. Right now we've built out a few endpoints that you can use to create offsets. If you ping /shipping and send us shipping information, we can calculate the carbon impact and purchase a corresponding offset from a wind or solar facility. Or ping our /vehicle endpoint with miles driven and information about your vehicle, and we'll do the offset. Or just tell us how many pounds of carbon you want to offset at /carbon. More info in the docs! All of our offsets are done using wind or solar renewable energy certificates. They're a mainstream mechanism for offsets. Best of all, the API returns the exact renewable energy being purchased. That lets us localize. If you want to offset a 50-mile drive through Dallas, we'll offset it with, for example, a purchase of Texas wind energy. We'll have many new renewable energy sources coming online over the coming months, and always aim to match impact to energy as closely as possible. We’re really proud of this project, and excited to launch on Earth Day!
Julie Chabin
Probably today's best product. At least, it is in my heart. ❤️♻️🌿
Kunal Bhatia
@alexisohanian this is what you were looking for!
Catalin Zorzini
Fantastic idea and execution! Congrats for simplifying this! How difficult is it to make Cloverly a worldwide project rather than US-only? And do you plan to support offsetting flights as well? 🙏
Nate Schmidt
@zorzini We for sure have international ambitions. The challenge with expanding beyond the US is renewable energy procurement. Standards and offerings are different from place to place. But we're working on it. Absolutely yes on flights. Our /vehicle endpoint can support air travel. Delta could integrate with us today and offset flights tomorrow.
Dannielle Boozer

The design is perfect. Great interface!


It's an innovative solution that allows you to contribute to renewable energy sources.


I can't wait to see Cloverly integrated into every e-commerce store.

Alexandria Reynolds
This is a innovative solution, that gives everyone a chance to play a small part in an impactful way!
Arjun Grama
Simple, clean idea, with complex and powerful implications. Excited to see how this impacts the way we shop online, and what new competition it breeds. Can't wait to see it in the wild.
Anne-Charlotte Lazou
This is a wonderful product ! Good innovation ! I will share it to my team !
Allan Benguigui
Great Interface thank you @anne_charlotte_lazou for sharing
Michael Dunworth
Amazing product guys. Super slick, and a good thing for devs to plug in! I was curious if you guys have sizing limits on the requests? Looks like it's ~$0.041 per lb? Currently, my friends company annual usage is ~28,800kt = $242B (give or take). Can I pay via PayPal or Dogecoin? His company is called "Bitcoin" Thank you. Kind regards, Bitcoin. ;) But seriously, great product and super clean branding!
Nate Schmidt
@michaeldunwort1 Offsetting all of bitcoin with doge is like 3rd or 4th on our list of preferred use cases. We do limit transaction sizes for new accounts. The cost of the renewable energy is variable. Some RECs are available for a few dollars, others for a few hundred. We aim to match transactions with the closest energy. Ultimately we'd like to see REC prices rise as our product increases demand. That means we're making an impact!
Michael Dunworth
@n8sch Haha appreciate the prioritization! Stoked for this product to be in the mix. Congrats to you guys!
Niels Bosma
Great product. Is this only for the US market or is it any point for me in Sweden to use this? Thinking you should get some kind of external auditing done to make sure the offsets are really purchased. Have you though about data center calculations?
Nate Schmidt
@nielsbosma Currently we have offsets in the US and Canada. We'll be adding sources in the EU soon. The entire aim of our company is to bring transparency and accessibility to offset purchasing. You can currently track a purchase through the API on a transactional level. We welcome external auditing and will look to introduce that at scale. We're also currently undergoing a lot of vetting from our environmentally-minded partners.
Sergiy Voronov
Great start, but why so much info on API and zero info on actual offset side of things? Who are your partners for example and so on?
Nate Schmidt
@mamezito I'm not sure what you mean. All of our offset sources are available in the API. We just launched and you'll start to see our first integrations in the wild very soon!
Mardomak Banitorfy
So Cloverly buys renewable energy per each transaction as I understood from your website, but does it also do the delivery/shipping using solar or wind energy?