Julien C

Gut - An easy-to-use git alternative to version-control your code


Git is an essential tool for any software developer, yet it can be challenging to use. Gut is a new git client that aims to make git easier to use, while still providing all the power of git.

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Julien C
Hello everyone! I'm excited to present Gut, an open-source git CLI for Windows, MacOS and Linux. It was created to help make git easier to use, with features such as built-in credentials management, no rewrite of history, and integration with cloud platforms like GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket. It also offers a consistent naming of commands, and has a handy 'gut fix' command to help you if you get in a mess! I've been working on Gut for the past 4 months, and have coded it using Golang. I'm very proud of what I have achieved. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to hearing what you think of Gut! https://gut-cli.dev/ https://github.com/julien040/gut
Maxime Dolores
Hey @julien040 👋 Seems super nice! (Also the background of your pictures looks slick 👀) I was wondering, how does this compare to something like commitizen for example ?
Julien C
Hi @m_dolr, Thank you! For the background, I found it at https://wallpapershome.com/downl... I haven't used commitizen before, but it looks like an awesome project. From what I can tell, commitizen focuses more on commit message formatting while gut embraces the entire git workflow, from remote repositories to merging branches and committing.
George Novik
@julien040 Wow, Gut sounds like the perfect solution for my messy git history! Can't wait to give it a try and say goodbye to my git struggles. Congrats on such a cool project, Julien! 🎉
Julien C
@jorexnovik Thank you! I’m happy to hear that. If you have any suggestions about the future of gut, feel free to open an issue on GitHub
Karan bhansali
Well open to try out. Congrats
Julien C
@karan_bhansali Thank you !
Awais Al Waissy
Better tool to manage development repository. Will love to try this tool and will also recommend others.
Julien C
@amicoder Thanks ! 🥰
George Novik
💎 Pixel perfection
Gut seems like a game-changer for managing code! I'm excited to try this out and hopefully save myself some headache with git. Thanks for building such a useful tool!