Andy Fortson

Hatchli - A social community for sharing and validating new ideas

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Ian Hansborough
Hey, Product Hunt! I'm Ian, co-founder and CEO of Hatchli. A month ago, we released Hatchli for iOS as an invite only beta. We are excited to announce that today we are launching our open beta for both the iOS and web platforms; looking forward to getting great feedback on the new platform from the community! Everyone has ideas, but too often these ideas go untested, undiscovered, and are ultimately lost. We saw that there needed to be a starting point; a low barrier to entry way to put an idea out there at the concept stage and get real feedback on it. With this in mind, we set out to create Hatchli. Our team is dead-set on making Hatchli the go-to first step in an idea's journey. Hatchli provides the early feedback and validation that ideas need to either take flight or fail fast. Our beta community currently consists of entrepreneurs, makers, innovators, and trend-seekers from over 40 countries; we couldn't be more excited to finally open Hatchli up to the world! Hope you enjoy, and as always, questions / comments / feedback are welcome :)
Ben Tossell
Whats the story here? I think that there is definitely a gap for this pre-idea/idea stage but I'm yet to see a product that really nails it on the head and does really well. We've had a few similar products in this space but curious to hear your thoughts.
Ian Hansborough
@bentossell We started working on the idea as undergrads; our fellow students and professors didn't have a way to experiment with and grow idea-stage concepts. This meant that, often, potentially bright ideas went by the way-side. This ultimately led us to build Hatchli. Our unique value comes from being able to get quick real-time feedback on your idea and simultaneously discuss how to apply that feedback and iterate in the ideas "nest".
Eman Igbinosa
Cool stuff! How do you protect users' ideas and make sure there isn't any IP theft?
Nugeen Aftab
@eman Great question! This is actually something we've spent a lot of time on. Likely, whatever product idea you have has already been thought of, which is why ideas aren't patentable, but processes and products are. What it comes down to, however, is that ideas don’t fail because they’re stolen; they fail because they aren’t executed on properly. We want to equip you with the tools and knowledge to make sure your execution is spot-on, starting with early validation and feedback. By doing that, we can help those ideas can become real-world products that succeed.
Steve Caldwell
@eman ideas are only 10% ... Execution and timing are where the rubber meets the road. See: Uber, Airbnb to name a couple.
Ian Hansborough
@stevecaldwell @eman Couldn't agree more! The idea itself is much less important than the team and execution strategy that bring it to life.
Tony Alexander
What are some plans on the development timeline we can look forward to? How do you expand from here?
Ian Hansborough
@tony_alexander We really want to focus on expanding the ways users can grow and iterate on their ideas in the nest and beyond. Giving users an expanded set of analytics on their vote data and creating a feature that allows idea iterations to happen more fluidly are at the top of our list currently!
Mengyi Yuan
Just an observation here - I got a broken profile image when signing up with my Twitter account, and the cursor does not change to a clickable icon when i hovered over the image.
Ian Hansborough
@mengyi_yuan Good to know! Always best to find the little things early on. We're scaling up our servers to account for the traffic, If you send me the profile picture you would like I can make sure it get's updated correctly.
Mengyi Yuan
@ianhansborough Thanks for the reply. I got my picture updated when i found that i can actually click on the image. My suggestion would be to indicate the image is clickable by changing the cursor shape (to the hand shape) when hovering over the image. Hope I get myself clear. :)
Ian Hansborough
@mengyi_yuan Good catch, will definitely make that change! Appreciate the feedback :) Let me know if you find anything else!
Olivier Lemaitre
Great stuff so far guys! What are some next steps for companies receiving good feedback on your platform?
Ian Hansborough
@olilem5 We are currently exploring potential partnerships that would be an exclusive set of resources to give our users a leg up as they users pursue their ideas further! On this note, what sorts of partnerships do you think would be most beneficial to our users?
Ian Hansborough
@ironxcross @olilem5 That could actually really cool, maybe something along these lines for UX mockups?
Amaniel Tsegai
What does the stack look like? Love the designs btw
Greg Miller
@ata_aman We have a native iOS app in swift, and our backend is python/django hosted by AWS. The web platform is html css, Js & JQuery!
Patrick Gill
It's always incredible to see the ideas that people have and the collaboration that is spawned from it or even the conversations with friends after scrolling through.
Ian Hansborough
@patrick_gill Glad to hear that your enjoying Hatchli!
Like Product Hunt, but before the products actually exist 😄 Looks cool!
Nugeen Aftab
@margaret_hutchins Exactly! Companies go on PH to show off all the hard work they've put in and get feedback and users. Companies go on Hatchli before they're, well, companies.
Sanjay Kumar Negi
Awesome tool i must say.
Ian Hansborough
@sanjaynegi94 Glad to hear your enjoying it :) Let me know if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements!
Paul Gill
Very addictive product. I've been using it a couple weeks now and it has engaged me pretty heavily. I love to discuss product/service ideas over a beer with buddies and this is the next best thing. Apps/services were you are able to contribute your opinion with a simplified yes/no are always great.
Ian Hansborough
@pkgill Awesome to hear! If you get a chance, take a look at the web platform and let me know how it compares to the iOS version. So glad you're enjoying Hatchli!
Lynn Miller
Totally addicted to the design...easy to use...can't stay away!
Siddharth Shekhawat
Looks very promising. Great design overall. Looking forward to try it out.
Congrats on the launch! We've seen a few idea validation apps recently, like GoDaddy's Flare for example. Hatchli gets it right with its simple UI, messaging and networking features. I think there's definitely a need for this.. it's one thing to bounce ideas off your friends, but it really helps to get a lot of eyes on it. It'll be fun to see if this can even connect people who might want to work on a project together.
Alexander James
Awesome product, easy to use and understand and is incredibly addictive!!
Malia Funk
As someone who has been using Hatchli from the beginning, it has been amazing to see how quickly the app has developed in response to feedback from users. The intuitive UI really showcases each idea and many nests (group discussions) appear to be growing rapidly. Looking forward to seeing how these communities progress and hope to read updates on ideas that "hatch!"
Ry Walker
Pretty addictive. When I got early access a few weeks ago, I found myself getting to Hatchli Zero and checking back on the app every few hours for more content :) Definitely love seeing a product that captures the "wisdom of the crowds" with very rapid feedback. Big potential!
Ian Hansborough
@rywalker Great to hear you enjoyed the beta! Hopefully there will be a lot more ideas for you to vote on after today! If you have a minute I'd be curious to see how you feel the web beta compares to the iOS version.
Can't wait for all the new content to vote on!
Ian Hansborough
@saveleads We're excited too! There have been a ton of new ideas over the course of today alone! Go check them out!
@ianhansborough No joke! There are are a lot of new ideas on there. Desktop app is pretty cool too. Trying that out right now.
Ian Hansborough
@saveleads Good to hear! Let me know if you have any feedback on the web beta!
David Venegas
Good job making this happen, I've seen idea sharing apps before but I find Hatchli to be more in tune with what I believe an idea sharing app should be. Looking forward to more advanced analytics for those of us who post ideas!
Ian Hansborough
@david_roberto_venegas great to hear you like the platform! What sorts of metrics would be most beneficial to you in an advanced analytics package?
Kevin Dwinnell
Love the simple and intuitive nature of the product. Hoping it retains it over time as I think there's a lot of value to come in this product and space.