Chris Messina

Hitch - Where developers stay informed of API changes & discussion

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Excited for the relaunch of API Changelog as a stand-alone business! I've known @bpedro since his Tarpipe days (an earlier attempt at something like Zapier meets Yahoo! Pipes). They've taken everything they've learned and poured it into a suite of tools for managing APIs and community.
Sar Haribhakti
@chrismessina @bpedro This is great. Always wondered why API docs are not made keeping technical people in mind. A lot of non-tech people wanna use APIs to serve business needs but fail to do so because of the jargon involved.
Bruno Pedro
@chrismessina Thanks, Chris! I really appreciate all the input you've been giving us since the Tarpipe days :-).
Bruno Pedro
@sarthakgh Thanks for your kind words, Sar! That's exactly why we're launching Hitch: to bring APIs to the greater, non-technical audience. Please keep sending any feedback. /cc @chrismessina
Bruno Pedro
@andr3 Thanks a lot, André! Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions. /cc @chrismessina
Mehdi Medjaoui
API changes : a real problem. For the API supply chain. For integration. For trust. Looking forward to see Hitch become the API credit rating agency. #HitchIsTheNewFitch
Bruno Pedro
@medjawii That's a great comparison, Mehdi! Being able to fulfill that would make us all very proud. Thanks for your valuable input.
Mehdi Medjaoui
@bpedro I know some modest minds who tried to solve it too. You have all my support!
Mehdi Medjaoui
@bpedro you should also check with @adamd with its new initiatives as and
Bruno Pedro
@medjawii I know ;) That makes your comment even more valuable. Thanks!
Mehdi Medjaoui
@bpedro The business model at the end of such "agency" was to sell SaaS/API insurance, coupled with API Terms of service Changelog support/advises and SLA guarantee. Go for Hitch now!
Jordi Romero
Great product! I already liked API Changelog (brilliantly simple) and the new community and management features make it just a must.
Bruno Pedro
@jordiromero Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jordi! We believe the community features really help API owners better understand their audience.
Bruno Pedro
@rotemthegolfer Thanks, Rotem!
jennifer k. riggins
I first met the founders when we were all working together at the same company. Their professional chemistry and passion for user, nay, developer experience is palpable. API Changelog filled a hole in the developer process and I know Hitch will fill in the rest, enabling companies of all sizes to build successful API communities.
Bruno Pedro
@jkriggins Thank you so much, Jen! A lot of what we're doing is a result of the many conversations we've been having with you around APIs. Please keep sharing your ideas and feedback.
Andrew Richard
Have been using programmeable web for years now and have also been getting weekly updates on apis i follow, what makes this different or special from programable web
Bruno Pedro
@basictechy That's a great question, Andrew! Thanks for reaching out. The main difference is that we actually track any changes on API documentation (HTML and also machine-readable) and will notify you whenever there's a change. Other differences include our ability to use Swagger, RAML and WSDL and automatically render a nice looking API Reference. I invite you to take a look at Slack's API on Hitch and see these different features in action: Thanks again and please don't hesitate to share any feedback.
How does it work? Is it automatic or API developer should create new releases as with GitHub Releases?
Bruno Pedro
@svetlyak40wt Thanks for asking, that's a great question! It's fully automated. We periodically read API machine-readable documentation and compare it with a previous version generating a changelog and notifying all the API followers. What happens if an API doesn't have machine-readable documentation? We help them migrate to machine-readable and, in the meanwhile, we parse and generate differences from their HTML documentation.
@bpedro I think, you need to build an enterprise self hosted version. It will be valuable in big companies with large amount of internal APIs.
Bruno Pedro
@svetlyak40wt That's a great suggestion! Do you have any particular company in mind that would benefit from this product? Thanks!
@bpedro I'm working at Yandex. We have a lot of APIs and libraries. Not sure how many of them are parsable by Hitch though. But for now I'm planning to deploy an internal version of my own pet-project, it is about changelogs too but not tied to APIs.
Lorinda Brandon
You can't beat the combo of @bpedro and @LukeAM for knowing the API community and what it needs. Hitch sounds like the answer to a lot of the industry needs - I'm excited to give it a spin.
Bruno Pedro
@lindybrandon @lukeam Thanks for the kind words, Lorinda! Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.
Anant Garg
Trying to signup with Google SSO leads to "Server Error"
Bruno Pedro
@anant_garg Hi Anant. Thanks for the feedback. We're addressing that issue right now and will update here shortly.
Bruno Pedro
@anant_garg Hi again, Anant. The issue has now been fixed. Please let me know if you're still having difficulties signing up. Thank you so much for your great feedback!
Anant Garg
@bpedro Sure! Just thought I'd let you know. Also your API list has some dummy entries at the bottom.
Bruno Pedro
@anant_garg Thanks again! We're not yet filtering the API list but we'll do it soon. BTW, is there any kind of filter you'd like to see there?
Malcolm Bell
Good luck guys! Keep shipping!
Bruno Pedro
@malcolmbell Thanks, Malcolm!
Tony Blank
Definitely an awesome and helpful product. We leveraged it heavily at my last gig ;)
Bruno Pedro
@thetonyblank Thank you so much, Tony! Your feedback is much appreciated so please don't be shy ;)
@thetonyblank which gig?
Andrew Richard
so many API's nice. am in love with it already. another site to bookmark. hey would love to keep track of
Bruno Pedro
@basictechy Thanks for the love, Andrew! We really appreciate it.
Fernando García
Great product and excellent team, good work guys!
Bruno Pedro
@fegabe Thanks, Fernando!
Andrei Oprisan
I've been waiting for this for quite some time, excellent product!
Bruno Pedro
@andreioprisan Thanks, Andrei!
Daniel F Lopes
Parabéns @bpedro por mais um bom produto 💪
Bruno Pedro
@danflopes Obrigado, Daniel!
Dhruba Adhikari
Please check the server error thing.
Bruno Pedro
@acpmasquerade Thanks for the feedback, Dhruba! Can you be more specific about the error you're seeing. You can contact me directly on Thank you so much!