Jack Smith

Auditor for Instagram - Analyze any Instagram account for fake followers and likes


Find out how many of your Instagram followers are real with this AI-powered Instagram auditor tool. Helping marketers to check influencer’s Instagram accounts for fake followers and likes.

We use machine learning to find behavior patterns that correspond with real people vs automated bots or sporadic usage.

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Leo Zhavoronkov
Thanks Jack for featuring us! I’m Leo, CTO of Auditor for Instagram, AI-powered tool that helps marketers to check influencer’s Instagram accounts for fake followers and likes. Influencer marketing is the fastest-growing online acquisition channel in 2018. High demand of influencers provoke bloggers to buy fake followers, likes and comments to enlarge advertising costs. Working with fake influencers can be disastrous for your brand if you spend a lot and end up getting nothing for your investment. Brands have to be more cautious when selecting influencers they plan to work with. Key features: - Audience insights: followers geo and gender. Compare influencer’s audience with your target audience. - Authentic of followers, likes and comments. We use machine learning to find behaviour patterns that correspond with real people vs automated bots or sporadic usage. - Followers Reachability: find out how many followers might see your sponsored post. Influencers benchmark: compare engagement metrics across other influencers. - Audience Quality Score (AQS): measure the quality of the audience that will see and react to the sponsored post. AQS helps to decide in a minute is it worth to work with this blogger or not. Give it a try: https://hypeauditor.com/?source=ph Ping us if you have any questions :) Would love to hear your thoughts!
Tanya von Varchmin

As a social media consultant dealing with bloggers/influencer marketing on the daily basis, for me this kind of tool is truly an amazing asset. I was using some other tools but they were not as convenient and not as accurate. I have been playing with it all day and so far I simply love it.


Very clean, clear and mega useful


Only over +1000 followers

Anna Komok
Thank you! Let us know if you have any questions
Natalinka Nonna Lukáčová

I am really glad that tool like this exists. Appecite that! :)


I think this is a very good tool and very úder friendly as it is super easy to use it, see results and interpret them. i love it!


I do not see any yet.

Sromana Mukhopadhyay
Hi Leonid, The tool is very cool as it solves a real problem but I have a question. Why does the tool only track the accounts having 'Over 1,000 followers'? Even with 300 followers it is very difficult to track fake followers and likes. Just curious to know the logic behind the number as you might be losing many customers. Thank you.
Leo Zhavoronkov
@sromana14 Our tool is primarily focused on helping advertisers to spend money smart. And we've tested our algorithms on accounts >1K followers. Assuming that they will check only large Instagram accounts. But we also see that many users are trying to get reports on accounts less than 1000 followers, and probably it's a good idea to tune our instrument to support smaller accounts. Thanks :)
Halyna Tarasenko

Instagram marketeers should be more than happy to use a tool like that: fake followers and automated likes, poor reachability - those are valuable data to consider before contacting influencers. Albeit, it took several minutes to analyze one account, I believe the process can be (and will be) accelerated in the future. Also, I would like to see if I can play with data: check certain points for report, compare two or more accounts.


Great tool to check poor reachability and low engagement; no registration needed to try it out; neat design (clean and easy to read)


Takes a while to check one account, no option to compare two or more accounts

Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Yaro Pat
@manny_orduna Hello, Manny! What steps do you take to reproduce this? Let's figure out the issue :)
Yaro Pat
@evrenweb Hello, Evren! What steps do you take to reproduce this? Let's figure out the issue :)
Niko Nather
@manny_orduna same here. I clicked on the link above, entered an account name, clicked "Check", but nothing happens...
Yaro Pat
@nikonather Niko, what username did you enter? Let me check it for you :)
Yaro Pat
@danielletom what browser do you use and what platform? Let me check it for you :)
Ксения Петрова

Good tool


accurate data about accounts that I had access to. a lot of insights about accounts that we wanted to bye


was problems with some accounts and some time ago site wasn't working

Leo Zhavoronkov
Thanks for your review! :)
Ephraim Tinoco
been looking for something like this for a while. Excited to check it out and see how accurate the analytics are. Influencers are getting very good at faking their followers and engagement and it's becoming more and more impossible to decipher the reals from the fakes.
Anna Komok
@ephraim_tinoco Thank you! Let us know if you have any questions
Mikhail Zakharenkov
What is the basis for followers to be declared as suspicious, mass followers and influencers?
Yaro Pat
@mikhail_zakharenkov Thank you for your question! Massfollowers — accounts who follow more than 1500 accounts. They do so to attract user’s attention and get a follow-back. Usually, they use special apps and services that violate Instagram rules. Influencers — accounts with more than 5000 followers. Suspicious — accounts created or used for the purpose of artificial increasing of likes, comments, and followers number. Our algorithm is based on machine learning and it uses dozens of attributes to distinguish real activity from the fake one. To develop this tool we have attracted experts with years of experience in influencer marketing.
Jodi Goldberg

It seems stuck on the last part of Defecting sporadic activity. It has said 1min left for while.


Don't know any because i haven't gotten my results.


It seems stuck on the last part of Defecting sporadic activity. It has said 1min left for while.

Leo Zhavoronkov
Hello, Jodi. We are sorry about that. Some accounts take a little longer to check. This happens because we gather in-depth stats and aim for quality, not for quick result. Don’t worry, we will deliver email notifications when the reports are ready.
Leo Zhavoronkov
⚠️ Due to a high number of requests, at the moment the account check time is significantly increased. I highly recommend you to leave an email, and we'll send you a notification when your report is ready. Thanks and sorry for the inconveniences.
David Lux
That tool is really solving a problem, thanks! I'd love to see a breakdown of the exact accounts (Massfollowers, Suspicious accounts) to clean up my follower base.
David Lux
@leonid_zhavoronkov You're welcome. Btw, are you working with affiliates or plan to do so in the near future?
Anna Komok
@itsdavelux We don't have any affiliate program yet, but we are planning to make it soon
Afanasiy Savvin
If I had something like this before :). Great job, guys!
Anna Komok
@afanasiy Thank you! Let us know if you have any questions
Dave Cutler
Very useful and timely tool. Well done. A few questions/observations: 1. It'd be great to be able to run a side-by-side comparison of multiple accounts. 2. How do you source the advertiser info in the report? Is it from paid tags? @ mentions? 3. Concerns about the sustainability of your offerings given IG's announced API changes?
Leo Zhavoronkov
@cutlerdave Thanks for your review 1. It's a good idea, we have plans to implement it in near future. 2. Now we display some posts with @ mentions, but soon we'll make this part of report more useful and actionable. It's in progress. :) 3. It's an upleasant news for us, but it was predictable. Instagram is migrating its own legacy API to a Facebook API, and we already started working out a solution. We hope for the best.

The agencies still find it difficult to estimate the Return on Investment on an Influencer Marketing Campaign but the Hype Auditor allows to mitigate risks of flashing out budgets on fake followers. Great job!

P.s. please provide a way to download the report.


Comprehensive data on influencers


Impossible to download the report.

Anna Komok
Thank you! We will make it possible very soon)
Curie Kim
This is cool! Just submitted my info!
Anna Komok
@curiekim Thank you. We really appreciate your support!
Vlad Calus
Doesn't work for me, click the button "Check" and nothing happens :(
Anna Komok
Try refreshing the page, switching off Adblock, or using different browser
Jay N
Do you guys check every follower? Or just a sample +extrapolate?
Leo Zhavoronkov
@spieswithin Yes, we use data sampling to increase the speed of analysis for large accounts.
Tom Gregory

whats all he wrote


Low cost, detailed reports, fulfills a need to weed out fakers, clean site


Some accounts take a while to build the report

Donald Walter
I will definitely try to use it.