Sujan Patel

Social Media Strategy Playbook - Eleven steps to go from 0 to social media hero


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Hans van Gent
Thanks for posting this one @sujanpatel, it took some time to get this one done, working with feedback from people producing it. But hey don't believe my word for it. For example, Aaron Orendorff calls it: This no-nonsense guide will walk you through creating a complete social media strategy, even if you haven't sent a single post yet. Especially helpful are the first and last sections — do not neglect measurable goal setting and staying engaged. A genuinely insightful and painless approach to getting off the ground … way off the ground.
@jcvangent I just downloaded and will be reading tonight. SM is certainly the weakest of my digital marketing. BTW- what did you use to design the pdf? I'm dabbling around with visme and others, but looking for something simple.
Hans van Gent
@hunterhart I had a professional take a stab at it using inDesign. Tried some stuff first myself, but realized my limitions so I had it done. Give me a ping after you've read it what you thought of it and how it will bring value to your digital marketing (or not 🤓) always curious to see what people think and how it could be improved for example.
Paul Kemp
@jcvangent adds massive value as a writer on his blog and newsletter. So, I'm excited about his no-nonsense guide for creating a complete social media strategy. Well worth reading.
Hans van Gent
@paul_s_kemp thanks a lot for the kind words! Glad you're enjoying it!