@_jonobird Hey Jonathan!
If you want to send a bunch of photos/videos with Dropbox, you'll basically have to do it with other apps (email, text...) by sending a link to someone.
We think there's a better way to do it, especially for the receiver that will have to deal with the link and get the files from the web which is a pain on mobile. That's why you can send and receive/access files via our mobile app.
We believe that sending to people instead of email addresses (or using links) is something more natural. We tried to build a more playful experience on top of that idea.
(Also our technology allows us to pause/resume transfers and have faster transfers if you're in the same local network for example, things that can improve the workflow as well).
@_jonobird I think Dropbox/Box/Google Drive are better suited to sharing a file system rather than a file; Infinit is way quicker/easier when you just want to send something to someone, rather than give them access to a whole folder structure.
It's also super easy for sending yourself things between devices; Airdrop is pretty good, but still buggy, and Infinit works seamlessly and is great if you want to send to a device of yours that's not on the same network.
@cadeuh keep up the great work!
Great idea. Can't say I'd use it much, but u know designers and photographers that would. I imagine large-size mobile transfers will only continue to grow as smartphones replace pc's.
looks extremely well done. still i will struggle between this, pushbullet and dropbox. i never ever used airdrop. never needed it. probably more useful for professionals with big/bigger files and many one time projects
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