
Inko. - An online markdown editor built with Vue.js


Inko is an online markdown editor that I made using Vue.js, Primer css framework and marked.js. Inko is currently in a beta testing phase. If you found any bug please drop me a message at jirattikarn[at]mailbox[dot]org

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This is really amazing and should have much more likes.
@bcye Thanks !
Thomas Wright
What's the differentiator between this and other side-by-side markdown editors like StackEdit, Devpen, Markdown Editor, or Dillinger? Fwiw, all are excellent tools. Just curious what the future is for Inko to stand out from a crowded field!
@misfitrightin For the next releases, I'm currently working on several features that will be added into Inko such as, - Syntax highlighting - Line number - Importing .md file - Changing colour scheme & font I'm also planning to release Inko as a desktop app and mobile app in the future! I'm also going to add the feature request page so that I could develop new features which fit user need, Thank you for interested in Inko. Stay tuned for the next releases!
Barry Lachapelle
This is great. Have you considered being able to edit the the preview to generate markdown? ps - I am a designer ;)
@barry_lachapelle That's a great idea ! I'll try adding this feature in the future release. Thank you for interested in inko. 😊
David Gay
Really like the logo.
@thedavidgay Thank you !
Oscar Wong
I really like this, I think a fullscreen mode would make it even better
@oscar_wong67 I've added to the next release ! Stay tuned!
Thank you for interested in Inko ! I've created a page for requesting features at https://inko.kampsite.co/ Stay tuned for the next releases! 🥰
Joshua Galan
At first glance playing around with it, I love the design! Keep up the good work.