Ankit Ghosh

Growth Tweets - Weekly-updated repository of tweets that matter


A weekly updated collection of hand picked tweets specially tailored to save time and give great reading experience. Consider it as a new way to consume Twitter.

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Ankit Ghosh
Hi Makers and Hunters, I know we all are avid user of Twitter just because of the great value some accounts provide. Though Twitter is value-packed but it comes with its own set of juk too which does nothing other than wasting our time. Twitter is like a jungle and good tweets are like sweet fruits. To fix this major issue I decided to take the job to help the community. Every week I use Twitter's API to fetch the top tweets and then manually select the ones I feel is valuable. Then I use an image generator to generate a better version of the tweets so that the images look good and well stacked. Benifits: 1. Handpicked with care. 2. No weird suggestions. 3. Tweets with multiple images are well stacked. 4. Only the top valuable tweets. Additionally, the readers suggest their favourite Twitter accounts using the contact link and I'll manually add them if they pass the criteria. Let's make it better together. I’d love to hear your feedback and will hang out here all day to reply to your questions and comments. Keep growing, -Ankit
Ankit Ghosh
@maximilian_fleitmann Thanks Maximilian
Ankit Ghosh
@porush_puri Thanks Porush
Ankit Ghosh
@csaba_kissi Thanks Csaba
Fajar Siddiq
This is what i've been waiting for! 💯 tweets that matters. Too much noise on twitter, i really love the specially tailored! SAVE TIME! Congratulations on the launch
Ankit Ghosh
@fajarsiddiq Thanks Fajar and yeah the goal is to save time while keeping the value proposition same
Ivanna Wendel
Well done @nutpanda ! Simple and useful product! Congrats on the launch!
Ankit Ghosh
@ivanna_wendel Thanks Ivanna
Matt Gordon
Ankit never stops shipping
Ankit Ghosh
@matthew_gordon haha.. Thanks Matt
Ahbab Hussan Sejan
Unique idea!! Hope it will do better in future!!!
Ankit Ghosh
@ahussan_official some nice updates are planned
Kirill Tereshchenko
Perfect 🤩 It would be cool to choose category
Ankit Ghosh
@rtkirill That's on the roadmap, will be live soon.
Jack Davis
I like the star icon it looks happy :) !
Ankit Ghosh
@jack_davis7 meant to bring a smile on everyone's face.
Vedran Rasic
I like the idea... how do you select tweets? @nutpanda
Ankit Ghosh
@vedranrasic I have a Notion file with names of accounts to crawl, then I use a tool which uses the Twitter API to fetch the top tweets for a particular date range (based on likes) then I manually approve them before adding. Additionally people can suggest me Twitter accounts so I can add them to the list.
Arav Narula
Finally! This is such an amazing experience for everyone! Congrats ankit
Ankit Ghosh
@tregsthedev Thanks Arav
This is exactly what Twitter is missing - curated content without noise! Congrats on the launch and hope you get #1 today 😉
Ankit Ghosh
@divdev_ Thanks Dimitri, let's see.
Ali Rashidy
Looks really helpful and time saving since Twitter's algorithm is wired af, I was hoping to see @naval on the list, he deserves a spot on top of it imho!
Ankit Ghosh
@alirashidy Naval has been my priority too, but there was a bug which wasn't letting me fetch his top tweets but it's been fixed and his tweets will be added soon.
Great job Ankit 👍
Ankit Ghosh
@soheilpro All thanks to you for building Pikaso and making this happen.
Excellent initiative, would recommend it!!
Ankit Ghosh
@a_m_ifty Thanks a lot
ayberk bozkus
Your design is very nice, you have a lot of tweet access on your website. It might be better to shorten it a little, you can add more buttons at the bottom, if you want to add all the visuals.
Ankit Ghosh
@ayberkbozkus actually it's more of a DB and less of repository. That being said few sorting options are down the road
Fawad Ahmed
Looks awesome Ankit!
Ankit Ghosh
@fawadahmedm Thanks Fawad
Fatema Soni
Great job! Congrats Ankit 👍
Ankit Ghosh
@hellofatema Thanks Fatema
Sarah Jordi
Damn that's useful! Love the idea! But since it's all handpicked, how do you plan on managing growth once you scale?
Ankit Ghosh
@sarahxjo though it's had picked but I don't actually go to Twitter and find the tweets. I use the Twitter API to scrape the top tweets of the respective accounts and then have a look before publishing. So its a job of automation + human.
Stas Voronov
Looks like it's what I need 👍 I just can't go to Twitter and start looking for interesting topics, it's my pain I also need telegram bot for it!
Ankit Ghosh
@stas_voronov Telegram bot it an interesting idea.
Varun Singh
This is cool
Ankit Ghosh
@varunkpsingh Thanks Varun
Kripto Para Finans
Thanks Porush