Elsayed Hussein

LazyGroup - Mass text message

With LazyGroup you can easily send mass texts to groups of contacts individually or as group. LazyGroup will help you create groups of contacts, so they will be ready when you want send a message and not need to select them each time.

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Truly lazy group, love it 👏🏽👀
Elsayed Hussein
Hello Hunters 👋!, This Elsayed, developer behind LazyGroup. With LazyGroup you can easily send mass texts to groups of contacts individually or as group. LazyGroup will help you create groups of contacts, so they will be ready when you want send a message and not need to select them each time. Features: - Group of contacts - Send a message to groups individually or as a group. - Also you can chat WhatsApp with none saved contacts. - Create groups with custom contacts or import them from CSV file. If you have any question or feedback we will be happy to hear it at lazygroupapp@gmail.com.