Leadpages Facebook Ads - A simplified and intuitive FB ad creator inside Leadpages.
Leadpages' integrated Facebook Ads opens up some great big advertising opportunities for businesses at any stage. Whether you’re a green solopreneur or a seasoned marketer, this simplified ad builder makes it possible for anybody to target customers and advertise to them in a way only the most sophisticated advertisers have been able to—until now
I was able to set up a new ad to my Leadpage in about 90 seconds to drive signups for my email list. It was simple to pick through the options without being overwhelmed with all the choices and steps. I didn't have to worry about finding and placing my pixel - that's already handled for me. Although this won't replace FB Ads Manager for the more experienced/advanced marketer, this opens up FB Ads to a lot more people who've been intimidated from running ads before. And more experienced marketers will love quick deployment of ad campaigns as test runs before they scale winning campaigns.
PS/Disclosure - I do work at Leadpages, but I also am a customer and user of this product separately from my role here.
Pros:Ease and speed of use for first time or inexperienced advertisers. Clean connection to FB Ad manager for advanced users.
Cons:Can run FB + Instagram ads, but not Instagram only ads so far.